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Everything posted by WhoTom

  1. Yeah, the dude's killing our offensive production.
  2. Well, when you're sitting back, in your rose pink Cadillac Making bets on Kentucky Derby Day I'll be in my basement room, with a needle and a spoon And another girl to take my pain away
  3. Did you locate the AED?
  4. I watched the world float to the dark side of the moon After all, I knew it had to be something to do with you I really don't mind what happens now and then As long as you'll be my friend at the end
  5. Some guys on our softball team used to go to a place for wings after games. One guy (Mike) liked his wings super hot, and every time we'd go he'd joke with the waiter about how they weren't hot enough the last time. One day, the cook (a friend of his) came out and said, "How hot do you want them?" "Bring a tear to my eye," was the response. Well, he brought tears to all of us just by setting the plate down at the table. The rest of us ate one each, and it's one of the few times I've ever dipped a wing in blue cheese. (I like BC with celery, but I'm not a wing-dipper.) Mike, to his credit, ate the remaining seven, sweating profusely and chugging beer the whole time.
  6. Yeah, we all need someone we can dream on And if you want it, baby, well you can dream on me Yeah, we all need someone we can cream on And if you want to, well you can cream on me
  7. The math doesn't work out. If two teams have byes, then the other six play in the WC round, producing three winners. Now you have five teams left.
  8. Maybe karma will catch up and they'll get bounced in the Divisional round.
  9. Did he push the league into having a large medical trauma staff at every game? If so, then Damar may owe his life to Ralph's actions.
  10. And, if I recall correctly, the Bills were the only team at the time to have such a specialist (and then needed equipment) at every game. I hope all teams do that now.
  11. I've had a few musical references removed by editors, presumably because they didn't recognize the lyric. 😞
  12. I love it! I'm a tech writer and I always try to slip a musical reference into an article when I can. With that said, I hope Peyton is okay too.
  13. When I bought my plasma TV, LCD TVs had just come out. The LCDs were actually a little more expensive and suffered ghosting issues, so I went with the plasma. It lasted for about ten years and started acting funny. By then, LCDs were much better and pretty inexpensive - not to mention being way more energy-efficient - so I bought one. I put the plasma on Craig's List as a free giveaway and told what was wrong. A guy contacted me and said that's a common problem and that he knew how to fix it, so I gave it to him.
  14. Also not a disco fan, but I'd also go with Stayin' Alive for two reasons. One, already mentioned, is that the lyrics are more appropriate. The other, on a more practical note, is that you don't need to count to 30. If you start with the "Ah, ah, ah, ah" part and continue through the "Stayin' aliiiiiiiiiiive" part, it's 32 beats exactly - close enough.
  15. Agreed. You can't watch a scene like that and not be shaken up, regardless of which team you're on. When I was a teenager, I played in a softball league. During one game, a guy on the opposing team collapsed on the field. Two guys on our bench went out and delivered CPR. This was way before cell phones, so it took time for someone drive to the nearest payphone and call an ambulance. By the time the paramedics arrived, it was too late. I didn't know the guy, but I was shaken nonetheless, as were all of the players on both teams. There was never a discussion of continuing the game. Both teams simply packed up, said a prayer, and left.
  16. Harmlessly passing your time in the grassland away Only dimly aware of a certain unease in the air You better watch out There may be dogs about I've looked over Jordan, and I have seen Things are not what they seem
  17. I had a professor whose last name was "Hung." His first name was "Wei." No lie. "Hi. Are you Hung?" "Yes, I'm Wei Hung."
  18. That's a deal-breaker right there. No way I'd trust suction cups to hold up a TV.
  19. If it makes you feel any better, I hardly ever text, and when I do, it's rarely in lengthy group threads.
  20. Never having heard the term before, I googled "Green Bubbler." Try it. 😉 I did find it in the right context, though. I'm fine with that label.
  21. No, it's iCon, Apple's motto. As in, "I con people into overpaying for a name when Samsung sells a better product at half the price."
  22. I was thinking exactly that when I read the OP. I remember the Red Sox having champagne bottles in the dugout while Mookie Wilson was up to bat. Oops.
  23. I think they'll give him a full year with their new QB. This time next year, who knows?
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