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Everything posted by WhoTom

  1. That's what love will do for you That's what love will make you do No matter how hard I fight it Baby, I'm still in love with you
  2. Algebra problem: When Buzz was 40, he was 4X Anca's age. When Buzz was 60, he was 2X Anca's age. When Buzz was 90, he was 1.5X Anca's age. How long before Buzz and Anca are the same age?
  3. Ah, but I was so much older then I'm younger than that now.
  4. If it confuses Greg Cosell, then it probably confuses opposing DCs.
  5. One of my childhood favorites. I remember once when my mom was making it while the Maytag repairman was fixing our dryer. When he finished, he said something about it smelling great in the kitchen. Mom told him it was city chicken and he said he'd never heard of it before. Next thing you know, there's another place setting at the table - Mom insisted that he join us for dinner.
  6. Sometimes I feel like I'm fading away You're looking at me, I've got nothing to say Don't make me angry with the games that you play Either light up or leave me alone
  7. Cool! I hope he's next season's Comeback Player of the Year.
  8. The Kids Are Alright Woodstock Across the Universe Almost Famous
  9. Guinnevere had green eyes Like yours, m'lady, like yours She'd walk down Through the garden In the morning after it rained
  10. I assume it was a happy ending?
  11. I suppose one could argue that their D generated three takeaways and scored a TD. But really, none of those were great defensive plays - they were offensive blunders: a miscommunication on a route, a perfect pass that bounced off the receiver's chest and into the hands of a defender, and a free rusher causing a strip sack. (On the strip, Romo said Josh missed the hot route to Motor, but I thought Motor should have blocked the guy.) By all rights, the Bills should have put up more than 50 points on that D.
  12. Contact Shawshank The Godfather (Part 1) The Sixth Sense
  13. I saw CSN a few times in the 80s and 90s. Great shows! RIP
  14. WhoTom

    Best Ever?

    Highest ratio of garage bands inspired to albums sold: The Velvet Underground
  15. I want to tell her that I love her so I thrill with her every touch I need to tell her she's the only one I really love
  16. He must be watching ESPN, where just about every single person is picking the Bengals.
  17. I agree in those two cases, but he often does it past the LOS and in the middle of the field, not extending for the first down.
  18. Ditto. Every time he runs, I find myself yelling, "Tuck it, Josh!"
  19. When the world is running down You make the best of what's still around
  20. I wouldn't mind it so much if they played an evening game there, so it would be on at the normal time here. I'm not a fan of watching a game at 8:30 AM.
  21. He's mentioned before that he grew up watching TB, so he's more of a Brady fan than a Patriot* fan. And he acknowledged that some Bills fans might not be cool with that.
  22. You used to be so amused At Napoleon in rags and the language that he used Go to him now, he calls ya, ya can't refuse When ya ain't got nothin', you got nothin' to lose You're invisible now, ya got no secrets to conceal
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