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Everything posted by WhoTom

  1. Welcome, my son Welcome to the machine Where have you been? It's alright, we know where you've been
  2. My 92YO neighbor tells me that now and then. My response is always the same: "There's only one way to avoid it, and I don't find that appealing."
  3. If you fall behind on your hot dog payments, try to ketchup right away with all the relish you can muster.
  4. Terry is a hockey fan from PA. Kim is a professional athlete and a lifelong Bills fan who grew up in WNY. I agree that she has managed the business operations, but there's no doubt that she's got some football acumen - probably more than he does.
  5. Ah, but I was so much older then I'm younger than that now
  6. She's definitely the football brain of the operation. My understanding is that her cognitive function is okay, but she has trouble communicating. That certainly precludes her from being the face of the franchise, and I'm guessing her therapy prevents her from engaging in the team's day-to-day activities, but she could still be a valuable resource in the OP's scenario.
  7. His contract with the Bills expired, so there's no team affiliation. It's not a sign of anything we didn't already know. (And I think we all knew he wouldn't be back when they said he was taking a year off.)
  8. He's alive, but he wants you to think he's dead. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_B._Davis
  9. Are Josh threads becoming too commercialized?
  10. Well, this job I've got is just a little too hard, Running out of money, Lord, I need more pay. Gonna wake up in the morning Lord, gonna pack my bags, I'm gonna beat it on down the line.
  11. Sally, take my hand We'll travel south cross land Put out the fire And don't look past my shoulder.
  12. If the Bills are playing in that game, I'll watch, even if I have to pay for a month of the service. Otherwise, I'll watch the replay on NFL+ after the game ends.
  13. Did you say your name was Ramblin' Rose? Ramble on baby, settle down easy Ramble on Rose.
  14. I agree with the bolded part. As far as comparing the Mafia with the Gestapo, one is a money-making organization while the other was part of a fascist regime. Many mob victims are other mobsters, and although there are far too many innocent victims as well, there are quite a few legitimate businesses that knowingly cause suffering and death due to willful neglect, all in a quest for more money. In short, the Mafia represents totally unregulated capitalism, while the Gestapo was the muscle behind state-sponsored genocide. I consider the latter to be the most heinous, while the former is a distant second.
  15. We generally fall into the 10% category (with no bargaining when we do purchase from a private seller) , but we've had a couple of garage sales and I have no problem with those who want to haggle a bit. I've occasionally accepted slightly less than my asking price.
  16. I'm not a fan of the Bills Mafia moniker, but as heinous as the mob is, it's not Gestapo-level heinous.
  17. Anyone know what happens to all the student records when a school closes? My nephew graduated from Medaille and he's still pretty early in his career. If he were to apply for a new job and needed a transcript, how would he go about that?
  18. You see it's all clear You were meant to be here From the beginning
  19. Yeah - 350 V8, 4 barrel carb. My speedometer went to 120. I took it to 110 once (man, I was stupid) and I have no doubt that it could have gone to 120 if I'd have pushed it (i.e., been even more stupid). Fun fact about that car: it was a stock vehicle when I bought it (used), but I had an accident that wrecked the front end. The body shop couldn't find Cutlass Supreme parts, but the grill and fenders from a Cutlass S fit, so I ended up with a car whose exterior was 2/3 Cutlass Supreme and 1/3 Cutlass S.
  20. Right. My brother-in-law is a four-season sports fan. (Five if you count golf.) He once met a person wearing a shirt with a slanted 3 on it and asked what it meant. The guy was amazed that he didn't recognize Dale Earnhardt's number. (NASCAR isn't one of the four.)
  21. Never know how much I love you Never know how much I care When you put your arms around me I get a fever that's so hard to bear You give me fever
  22. My point is that it's a team promo. Obviously, it's either scripted, heavily edited, or both. They're not going to include footage of a person in Nashville who thinks the Titans logo is a flaming thumbtack.
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