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Everything posted by WhoTom

  1. Wastin' away again in Margaritaville Searchin' for my long lost shaker of salt
  2. Like when someone says, "I'm not racist but..." you can be certain that the next thing they say will be racist.
  3. "The Dangerous Roscoe Parrish" had never seen snow before becoming a Bill. In his rookie year, after the first snowfall, he was afraid to go out. Another player had to pick him up at home and drive him to practice.
  4. They invested too much of their Abused Woman Cap space on one player.
  5. I like to take a bucket of balls to the beach and hit them into the ocean. On an unrelated note, I've been seeing a lot of beached whales lately. Maybe I should bring my friend, the marine biologist.
  6. Browns' front office: "Cut him. We have a reputation to protect." I love the smell of irony in the morning.
  7. Let me take ya home tonight Mama now it's alright Let me take ya home tonight I'll show you sweet delight
  8. Right opponent, wrong player. It was Terrence McGee, not Leodis.
  9. My dad taught me how to play when I was a teenager, and I played somewhat regularly for a few years. I was never very good - my best game on a par-72 course was somewhere in the low-90s - but I was happy with anything under 100. Dad was similar, and he'd been golfing for years. He wasn't really competitive - he just played for fun, as did I. By the time I got to college, I played a couple of times a year at most. My dad and brothers used to have an annual outing at a nice course. We'd splurge and rent carts, bring a cooler of beer, play 18 holes, and go out to dinner after. I played in exactly one tournament, when my dad's partner dropped out at the last minute. That may have been the last time I played. Not that anything bad happened, I just lost interest in the game. A couple of years ago, we were driving past a golf course and my wife asked if I missed golfing. (I stopped playing before we met.) I told her the only thing I missed was the annual outing with my family. Mainly, I liked being outside and drinking beer, and I realized that if I didn't spend money on the greens fees, I could spend more on beer. 🙂
  10. When asked how he maintained a monogamous marriage in spite of being surrounded by Hollywood stars, Paul Newman said, "When you have steak at home, you don't go out for a hamburger." Sofia Vergara is USDA Prime. If he cheated on her, then @DC Tom has a few words for him.
  11. HRT isn't required for a post-menopausal woman to maintain her desire. I agree with Muppy - we have no facts, so any speculation is just a wild-ass guess.
  12. Peerless Price's name was inspired by the name of a local moving company. His mother explained that he was given the name because she liked it, and also because she hoped that her son, growing up in a rough neighborhood, would avoid a life of crime.
  13. I thought of that too, but I forgot who it was. For some reason, I thought it was Kyle Orton.
  14. There's a difference between "something about his job" and a single play that may have blown the best opportunity for his "company" to seal the biggest deal of its life. You don't think that haunts him every day? I think it does. I've made professional blunders before, but nothing that even approaches that scale. Still, if I'm doing someone a favor, I'd prefer it if they didn't bring it up. And while your job may be "very public," I doubt you've been on a stage as big as an NFL playoff game. (Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong about that.) And if you have been, or can imagine being, on such a stage and you choked, would you want a random stranger reminding you of it? Now, if the guy asked about it, I'm sure Sean would have been gracious and not kicked him out of the car. But if it were me, inside I'd be thinking, "This guy has no class." I still wouldn't kick him out of the car, but I might relegate him to the back seat and let my kid ride shotgun for the duration of the trip. 😉
  15. Well, I would like to hold my little hand And we will run, we will, we will crawl, we will I would like to hold my little hand And we will run, we will, we will crawl Send me on my way (on my way)
  16. It's the media's job to ask those questions and it's McD's job to answer them. If someone is doing you a favor, like letting you hitch a three-hour ride home with them, then your only "job" is to show them respect and not bring up touchy subjects. It also wouldn't hurt to offer some gas money, but I'm sure McD would decline.
  17. I feel like that would go well with the Benny Hill theme song.
  18. "Hey, big fella! Wanna hear about the equation I created to prove that McD is incapable of winning the Super Bowl? I know how math turns you on."
  19. I'll never forget Fitz calling an audible from the Bills' one-yard-line that resulted in the longest play from scrimmage in Bills history, a 99-yard TD pass to T.O.
  20. I remember a reporter interviewing Tasker a few years ago. The reporter said that Jim Kelly often asked Marv to use Tasker as a WR instead of just a ST player. Steve responded, "That's the kind of thinking that caused the league to implement drug testing."
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