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Everything posted by WhoTom

  1. Good read - thanks for posting!
  2. Why announce the pick before you have to? That would give the other 31 teams more time to think about who they'll pick, knowing in advance one guy who's off the board.
  3. You forgot the part where the Bills trade a first round draft pick for Brady, who then plays two years in Buffalo, narrowly missing the playoffs in the second year by losing to the Steelers' third stringers.
  4. Considering GW's role in the Bountygate scandal, I had to laugh at the opening line of the article: "Notorious defensive coordinator Gregg Williams speaks loudly and carries a big stick."
  5. That was a colorful remark. :-)
  6. In hexadecimal, I'm 35.
  7. It depends on the wasp. I've been stung by a yellowjacket - it felt like a tetanus booster shot or a flu shot, and only hurt for a few minutes. But last year in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan I got stung by a kind of wasp I've never seen before. It felt much the same as a yellowjacket, but the pain lasted for several hours and it was swollen for almost a week.
  8. I guess they won't have any overbooked flights for a while.
  9. I don't know who did it first, but I've heard two other bands combine the lyrics of Pinball Wizard with the music of Folsom Prison Blues. One is Mr. Blotto, and another is a small town Midwest rock-a-billy band called Dirty Fishnet Stockings.
  10. I was just a kid when MNF got its start, but those guys were fun to listen to.
  11. A friend turned me on to El Mayor. It's a good sipping tequila at a reasonable price. Makes a nice "winter warmer."
  12. I have to agree with Logic - if they see someone they think could be a franchise QB, they'll take him whenever he's available. I know they got burned doing that with EJ, but they probably looked at other times when they didn't pull the trigger - Russel Wilson, for example - and regretted waiting. It's better to roll the dice and crap out than not to play at all.
  13. My three laws of football: 1. Always root for the Bills. 2. Always root for the Packers, unless they're playing the Bills. 3. Always root for the team playing against the pats*, unless the pats* winning would somehow help the Bills. (In that case I don't watch the game, because I can't stomach rooting for the pats*.) Why the Packers? As others have said, small market team, rabid and loyal fan base, and overall classy organization. I also like that they're owned by the fans.
  14. I was thinking the same thing until I realized that FireChan was joking.
  15. That was the play against the Saints, where the NO defense looked like the Bills D against Ajayi last year, right?
  16. If I recall correctly, that was the last play of the first half. Fun to watch, but meaningless since he didn't get into the end zone.
  17. Also my first thought. Another was Nate Clements' shot that leveled Brady. Pretty much anytime Brady gets put on his back makes me happy. Fitz' 98 yard TD pass to TO on an audibled play was fun to watch.
  18. Michaels and Madden made a great team after Summerall retired. But other than that, I pretty much agree.
  19. I don't know if they chose the order based on gender roles, age, or anything else. I think when you're naming a duet, it should be based on the flow of the names. In this case, I do think "Rodrigo y Gabriella" flows better than the reverse, so to me they are named appropriately. My wife's comment was just an off-the-cuff remark about who the better guitarist is, and on that I happen to agree with her. That takes nothing away from Rodrigo - he's a phenomenal lead guitarist, but when you watch them, you see that Gabriella is playing rhythm guitar as well as percussion, and doing an amazing job at both simultaneously. For the record, I sign our cards with her name first, and she signs with my name first.
  20. She is amazing. My wife says they should be called "Gabriella y Rodrigo." I can't argue with that.
  21. The AFL could've given Ralph the Miami franchise that he wanted in the first place. Then someone else would've gotten the Bills and most likely moved them by now. Not every "could've" would've been better.
  22. We could've hired Belichick as HC instead of promoting Wade Phillips in 1997.
  23. Your dad wasn't in LA back in '94, was he? ;-)
  24. One example: Last Thanksgiving the Packers had "Brett Favre Day" which was attended by Bart Starr.
  25. I'm not a big fan of Simms, but even with him, the CBS A-team was far better than their Fox counterparts. Buck and Aikman are terrible. Even my wife, who's not much of a fan but watches a game with me now and then, shakes her head at some of Aikman's comments. I often remind her that Troy suffered a lot of concussions when he played, and it shows.
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