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Everything posted by WhoTom

  1. ... for lunch? I was thinking that too, at first, but then I could tell he was in rescue mode. If he wanted to kill it. he would have done it right at the shoreline. Thanks for posting, Dante. Goldens and labs are the best.
  2. Profits are down, but that's to be expected in a niche market.
  3. Triumph the Insult Comic Dog Daniel Tosh
  4. Like many people, they aren't looking at the big picture - they're only interested in what happens to them personally. Also like many people, they don't realize that what's good for the group as a whole is good for the individual in the long run. Surprising, since they play a team sport.
  5. <-- Someone who doesn't need to go to confession.
  6. "Insert joke here." #TWSS
  7. "Ask your doctor if your heart is healthy enough to be a Bills fan." "Pfizer withdraws its Viagra ads prematurely."
  8. Is this your Uncle Joe?
  9. Approaching 30 years here, and I've got no complaints. Just gotta find the right person and be willing to work a little. The better the match, the less effort required.
  10. Ditto. I was also tired of Kurt Warner and his whole "God assembled this team for a reason" thing.
  11. My friend says that about Lutheranism. (She was raised Lutheran.) My in-laws are Methodists. They have a Catholic friend who said, "Methodist - that's like Catholic, right?" I said, "Same textbook, different college."
  12. Raised Catholic; gave up on all the rituals a long time ago. Stained glass distorts the view.
  13. It's fine to say, "I never want to see or hear from that person again," but hatred only poisons the hater.
  14. I was at a graduation party, sitting in a glider loveseat with my wife, holding a draft beer. The host's dog came up and jumped on me, spilling the beer right into my crotch. I was wearing light-colored shorts, so I had to walk from the patio to to the bathroom - through the crowd - looking like I'd peed my pants.
  15. Tom and Ray Magliozzi (Car Talk) gave some marital advice: "Would you rather be right, or be happy?
  16. 'Oh, she's too sexy...' ... said no movie producer ever.
  17. Me too, and I wouldn't trade wisdom for youth any day.
  18. "Old Man" wisdom.
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