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Everything posted by WhoTom

  1. Yes. The game can't end on a defensive penalty. Last week on TNF, the Raiders got two extra plays after time expired, allowing them to beat KC with 0:00 on the clock.
  2. Agreed. Rules are made because idiots abuse their privileges.
  3. Negativity is being down on the team. e.g., "This team sucks" is negativity. Tre appears to be a perfectionist - critical of himself, always striving for self-improvement, but not negative. e.g., "What can I do to improve the team?"
  4. The camera angles on the FGs and extra points were bad. They showed them from the opposite endzone, behind the kicker. I couldn't see the ball on any of them.
  5. I have a similar rule, expressed as a Boolean (true/false) equation: Confidence = BillsLead > [8 x TimeRemainingInGame (in minutes)]
  6. It was a par 3 joke. You should have gotten it in 3 seconds or less.
  7. Ditto. Bills kick the go-ahead FG and leave 18 seconds on the clock. This had "sequel" written all over it, but this time I liked the ending.
  8. Excellent point. I stand corrected.
  9. Wow. Cake, I'd like you to meet Icing.
  10. Me too. When Thompson caught his first pass, I wondered if he was the guy they picked up earlier this week. I didn't expect to see him on the field today, and I definitely didn't expect him to click with the offense this soon. I hope that continues.
  11. Give that man a game ball ... and another one to Beane for picking him up.
  12. Jack Nicklaus's grandson plays for our team.
  13. We've seen more than enough posters with the "Savior_____" name.
  14. The Bears have the 2nd most inept front office in the league ... after the Browns.
  15. Seriously. The dude's been on the team for less than a week and he pulls off that kind of a performance? Wow!
  16. Any realistic fan who's watch the Bills over the past two decades thought they were in trouble. Game momentum was shifting in the wrong direction, we'd burned two time-outs early in the half ... nothing good can come from this. But something good DID come from it. That's what gives me hope for this coaching staff. I know they screwed up the time management at the end of the first half, but damn - I've gotta give the team and the coaches credit for recovering and pulling out the win. New staff, new defensive scheme, somewhat anemic offense, and the team is 4-2. I'm feeling pretty good right now.
  17. The autocorrected version is a better excuse. Spinal Tap agrees.
  18. I was expecting the pilot to say, "Wanna see something really scary?"
  19. If it was Marcell on Brady, there would have been a flag and a fine.
  20. Add that to the already long list of reasons why I'll never become a suicidal religious extremist.
  21. I never understood the fascination with virgins. That's 72 women who don't know what they're doing. I prefer one who knows how to operate the equipment.
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