They were laying in the sunshine, which enhances the effect, but yeah, their coats are pretty shiny.
We adopted Shadow seven years ago. He was three at the time. The shelter told us that his previous family moved to a place where they couldn't have a dog. He was in the shelter for about 3 weeks when we got him. He couldn't wait to break out of the joint; as soon as we opened the car door, he jumped right in. He made himself at home right away.
Rocky's shelter name was "Earth." Someone brought in 3 puppies from the same litter; the shelter workers named them Earth, Wind, and Fire. They were taken from their mother too soon, so volunteers took them home and nursed them back to health. His siblings got adopted first. When we brought him home (4 years ago), he latched right on to Shadow, and Shadow played the big brother role instinctively. "Earth" liked to play-attack Shadow - he was pretty scrappy. His facial markings are a little raccoon-like, so that trait, coupled with his "fighting" nature, inspired his new moniker.