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Everything posted by WhoTom

  1. It ain't me, it ain't me I ain't no millionaire's son, no, no It ain't me, it ain't me I ain't no fortunate one, no
  2. Here come old flat top He come grooving up slowly He got joo joo eyeball He one holy roller He got hair down to his knee Got to be a joker he just do what he please
  3. I'm sure it was an "accident."
  4. Are you gonna take me home tonight? Oh, down beside that red firelight Are you gonna let it all hang out? Fat bottomed girls, you make the rockin' world go round
  5. If you use Google Calendar, you can add a public calendar to yours. From your calendar, click Other Calendars, then add a calendar and browse by interest group. Go to Sports > NFL > Buffalo Bills. Now, every year when the schedule comes out, it automatically puts the games on your calendar. Technically, your calendar is grabbing the info from the Bills' public calendar, so it's not like you're giving someone else permission to add stuff to your calendar.
  6. Eli Manning said he wouldn't play for the Chargers, but they drafted him anyway, and then traded him to the Giants. I could see another team drafting this hypothetical prospect and then trading him to the Bills for as much as they can get.
  7. WhoTom

    2023 Concerts

    Last week we saw Leftover Salmon, Railroad Earth, and Yonder Mountain String Band. All three put on great performances. At the end of YMSB's set, the other two bands joined them on stage for the encore. The three bands did a nice version of Shakedown Street.
  8. I've been drivin' all night, my hands wet on the wheel There's a voice in my head that drives my heel It's my baby callin', sayin', "I need you here" And it's a half past four and I'm shiftin' gear
  9. Looney Tunes Flintstones Peanuts Scooby-Doo
  10. Well, I might as well go on over yonder Way back up on the hill Lord, I might as well go back over yonder Way back yonder 'cross the hill 'Cause if my baby don't love me no more I know her sister will
  11. That was my plan too, but I've decided to splurge and get the ticket anyway. That way, when the Bills are on prime time, I can choose which Sunday afternoon games to watch. I do have NFL+ Premium too, in case I miss a game.
  12. The glove was evidence submitted by the prosecution. If they knew it didn't fit, regardless of shrinkage, then they shouldn't have had him try it on in court. The visual (coupled with the rhyme) is a more powerful influence on the jury than an executive's testimony. I remember experts discussing the glove thing after it happened, saying that you should never ask a question of a witness unless you already know the answer and it works in your favor. I suppose it's possible that if the prosecution hadn't mentioned the glove, then the defense would have anyway, knowing that it didn't fit. But then they'd have to admit that a bloody glove was found in his car.
  13. When I die, I want to go peacefully, in my sleep, like my grandpa. Not screaming in terror like the passengers in his car.
  14. Two things sealed that case for the defense: 1. The police captain who led the investigation had previously spoken publicly against interracial marriage. When asked whether the police planted evidence, he took the Fifth. That's reasonable doubt right there. 2. The glove didn't fit. As soon as Johnnie Cochran made it rhyme, there was no chance for a conviction. Honestly, I'm also 100% certain that he did it and I was pissed when the verdict came back not guilty, but I understand why and, in retrospect, if I were on the jury and heard that evidence, I'd probably have voted to acquit also. The prosecution was inept.
  15. Or never saw someone... applying makeup while driving changing clothes while driving texting while driving shaving while driving reading the newspaper while driving drinking alcohol while driving eating food that requires two hands while driving swerving between lanes without warning or turn signals stopping in the middle of an interstate and backing up because they missed the exit ramp (that was a car in front of us on I-90 in downtown Cleveland) just generally driving like a bonehead. I've seen all of the above - some more frequently than others. Yeah, I'm ready for AVs. I did some freelance tech writing for an AV company a few years ago. (The company is making a fleet of autonomous taxis.) Their plan was to have a center filled with remote-control drivers who had access to all sensor data from any given vehicle in the fleet. When the car gets confused, it stops and calls a remote operator for help.
  16. If I could plea bargain that to six months under house arrest with an ankle bracelet (during football season), then I'd take the cool quarter mil. As for prison - there's no price high enough for me.
  17. I used to feel that way, but given the way many people drive these days, I'll take a car driven by artificial intelligence over one driven by genuine stupidity.
  18. I can deal with autonomous vehicles in the abstract, but not in the concrete. https://www.sfgate.com/tech/article/cruise-stuck-wet-concrete-sf-18297946.php
  19. Don't think about the way I dress You can fit me on a labeled shelf Don't pretend that you know me 'Cause I don't even know myself
  20. The NFL+ package (~ $100/yr) lets you watch the prime time games in real time, but only on a device like a phone or tablet. I did that a couple of times last year and it wasn't bad. I suppose if you have a bunch of people watching, it's not so good, but a 7" tablet on my lap is about the same apparent size as a 42" screen across the room. That's cheaper than several months of YTTV.
  21. Who would believe you were a beauty indeed When the days get shorter and the nights get long
  22. The coverage was as good as you could expect, and it wasn't PI. Gabe just beat him that time. It happens to the best DBs now and then.
  23. "Today's special: A Shell of a Burger - served with a side of clams."
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