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Everything posted by WhoTom

  1. That was great ... until the last scene.
  2. McD gets a workout in during an interview: https://fb.watch/mLa0F_KBQu/
  3. Sad to see how miserable Stef is out there. 😉
  4. Unless the other offers were from lousy teams and he thinks there's a decent chance the Bills will call him up to the 53.
  5. I use that occasionally - usually when the amount due is zero.
  6. Strip clubs? Really?? Stef wants a ring. If he ever wants out of Buffalo, it's because he thinks he's more likely to get one elsewhere. End of story.
  7. I remember when rock was young Me and Susie had so much fun Holding hands and skimming stones Had an old gold Chevy, and a place of my own
  8. Anything ending in more than two question marks. One is all you need, two for emphasis, but fourteen? C'mon, man. Same for exclamation points.
  9. Fikus dreamed a dream for me It cost me nothing, it was free
  10. In 2001, they suspended Week 2 in the aftermath of 9/11, and pushed those games to the end of the season. That was early enough that they could move the Super Bowl a week later and keep the standard playoff format. I like the automatic bye before the playoffs; rescheduled games can use that slot if necessary. I think he said that humans weren't designed to play football, not that they shouldn't.
  11. What a surprise The look of terminal shock in your eyes Now things aren't really what they seem No, this is not a bad dream
  12. She said, "My breasts, they will always be open Baby, you can rest your weary head right on me And there will always be a space in my parking lot When you need a little coke and sympathy"
  13. Roll me up and smoke me when I die And if anyone don't like it, just look 'em in the eye
  14. I don't see why they wouldn't. I think they just need proof of enrollment. DirecTV used to require an EDU email address, but I've heard YouTube doesn't.
  15. It was Billsy under previous regimes, but that's not the current M.O. Look at the way they designed an offense to maximize Josh's strengths and hide his weaknesses, and then they worked with him to fix the weaknesses. And they designed a defense to maximize the skillsets of the players. I think this is more likely the case with Elam:
  16. I've never heard it but I agree, it sounds dumb.
  17. "It's easier to ask for forgiveness than permission." Here's what I think of that:
  18. When Madden was still announcing, he was talking about a player whose college GPA was 4.4 out of 4.0. He said, "If you're wondering how that works, it's because he took graduate-level classes as an undergrad." I thought, "C'mon John, say it: He gave 110%!" Alas, he didn't do the math.
  19. I was at a music festival and saw a woman approaching a port-o-john in bare feet. She looked at a random stranger and asked, "Should I go in there with bare feet?" The response: a hesitation, funny face, and then, "You do you." I took that as meaning, "There's not a snowball's chance in hell that I'd do it, but hey, do what you want. And I'm glad you're not sleeping in my tent." I think it was an insult.
  20. My old man's drunker than a barrel full of monkeys And my old lady she don't care My sister looks cute in her braces and boots A handful of grease in her hair
  21. When Josh hurdles a defender, stiff-arms and pancakes a would-be tackler, or takes a hit going for a first down, his teammates are thinking, "I need to step up my game." I was always inspired by coworkers who went above and beyond. I felt like I didn't deserve to be their colleague if I didn't strive to improve myself. That's leading by example. And the most effective managers I had were like McD: they had high expectations, and if you didn't meet them, they offered advice and constructive criticism without chewing anyone out. My Dad wasn't much of a talker and he rarely lectured, but he was a model citizen, an excellent husband, and a great father. My siblings and I learned from his example.
  22. I think he's established a culture that wasn't there before he came, so in that respect, he is a leader who implemented his vision and got buy-in from the players and the GM. And he knows how to handle the players. He's not an in-your-face Lombardi kind of coach, but that model doesn't really fly anymore. McD gets to know the players and handles each individual in the way that they need to be handled. That's a leader. I wouldn't mind seeing a little more "personality" (for lack of a better term) from him on the sidelines, but I know that's not his style. The players do a good job of firing themselves up, though.
  23. Damn. My son just said he was thinking about going back to school for another degree ... starting in January. 😞
  24. That's one I wouldn't mind hearing more often! 🙂 Like I never get tired of the clip of Vince Lombardi yelling, "What the hell is goin' on out there?" I find myself saying that every now and then while watching the Bills.
  25. "It's a business" and various other coach/player/announcer cliches.
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