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Everything posted by WhoTom

  1. I think the T on the right moved. 🙂
  2. Go to Lucille Ball Memorial Park in Celoron. They have both Lucy statues there: Pretty Lucy and Scary Lucy. If anyone is a nature lover, the Roger Tory Peterson Center is a good place to visit. Bemus Point is a short drive from Jamestown. There are restaurants with lakeside dining there. If you're into chili dogs, try AJ's Texas Hots, a Jamestown institution. They make the best hot dogs I've ever eaten. Get three with everything.
  3. Do you remember when We used to sing? Sha-la-la, la-la, la-la, la-la, la-la tee-da Just like that Sha-la-la, la-la, la-la, la-la, la-la tee-da, la-tee-da
  4. Thanks. I listened twice and couldn't make it out.
  5. "He's tougher than a dollar steak in Tonawanda."
  6. Sun's gonna shine on my back door someday Sun's gonna shine on my back door someday And the wind's gonna rise up and blow my blues away (Exact lyrics vary depending on who's playing it. This is the Hot Tuna version.)
  7. Hey, hey Don't come around here no more Don't come around here no more Whatever you're looking for Hey, don't come around here no more
  8. That reads like an endorsement of a bend but don't break defense.
  9. I sat back and I thought a while And it come to me It come like a flash Like a vision burnt across the clouds I just wrote it down I learnt it right away "I don't want a pickle Just want to ride on my motorcycle"
  10. A while back, some "genius" did a mathematical analysis using some equations that he conjured up. Several months prior, Shaw66 did a very good qualitative analysis of what it takes to win a SB. I suggest you read Shaw's.
  11. Because they cut the punt god.
  12. Reach out your hand, if your cup be empty If your cup is full, may it be again
  13. My brother's deck has a clock that always reads 5:00 and a bunch of fake tropical plants. I'm guessing the flags at his place are flying at half-staff today. RIP, Jimmy.
  14. A better analogy would be you realizing that potatoes sell really well, but turnips, rutabagas, and beets don't sell as well, so instead of selling bags of potatoes, you "bundle" a mix of potatoes and less popular root veggies. Now, people can't just buy a potato or a bag of potatoes without also buying something they don't want. That's how the streaming packages work. All I want are Bills' games - the "potatoes," as it were - so I'm paying $400 for ST (Sunday afternoon games only) and $120 for NFL Plus so I can watch live primetime games on my tablet (but not my TV or laptop). Both of those services have features I don't use and show games I'm not interested in, but I'm paying for the turnips, rutabagas, and beets, even though I just want potatoes. And because the NFL has a monopoly, I can't just buy my potatoes elsewhere. Hence, a black market for potatoes opens up. Black markets are a direct result of capitalism. If there's a demand, someone will supply it, regardless of the legality. As for me, I had DirecTV for about 20 years for the sole purpose of watching the Bills on ST. So I paid about $1300/yr for a bunch of mostly crappy TV channels and ST so I could watch 16 football games and four or five other channels on occasion. A few years ago, I tried to negotiate the ST price and they wouldn't budge. I threatened to drop DTV and they gave me an 800 number to call for that, so I did. I pirate-streamed one or two NFL seasons with mixed results. Then, my son went back to school and I signed up for the ST-only student streaming plan for $100/year and NFL Plus for another $100/year, both of which I consider reasonable. Now the pair is $520 (son is no longer a student), which I don't think is reasonable. But I can afford it and I don't splurge on a lot of stuff, so it's my guilty pleasure. I'm a semi-retired freelance writer, so I think, "How many articles do I have to write to pay for this and how many hours will it take me to write them? Will I get at least that many hours of enjoyment out of the football packages?" For me, the answer is yes. For others, the question may be, "What do I have to scrimp on in order to watch my favorite team?" Their answer might not be so simple. I realize football is not a necessity, but I understand why someone would just pirate-stream if the price is out of their reach. As someone else mentioned, they probably wouldn't have subscribed anyway.
  15. The band is just fantastic, that is really what I think Oh, by the way, which one's Pink?
  16. It's devolved into a thread about the Bengals. Hardly anything about Ford past page 1.
  17. Yeah, I've made up my mind I'm tired of wasting all my precious time You've got to be all mine, all mine Foxy lady
  18. Aspirin is derived from the willow tree, but chewing on a willow twig won't give enough of the desired effect, so they extract the single active ingredient and mix it with others to produce aspirin. If THC, CBD, or some other cannabinoid works by itself, with no extraction or additional ingredients required, then cultivating one's own might make sense. Personally, I have a medical card and I use the dispensary, but the prices - even without the recreational tax - are outrageous. I eat the cost because I don't use much and I can afford it, but many others can't afford it. Now, if it's rescheduled to the point where doctors can prescribe it, then insurance will cover it and patients will only pay the co-pay, which may make home cultivation less attractive. Either way, rescheduling benefits medical users.
  19. You might want to get some fresh batteries for your calculator. 😉
  20. Could be that Kincaid needs a little polish, or it could be that he looks so good that they don't want to clue in opposing DCs about how he'll be used. I like the latter explanation.
  21. True. But a few comments that he's recently made - like listening to his mother tell him, "You're living the dream. Don't get caught up in the money" - suggest that he might be amenable to a team-friendly contract. Remember a few years ago when we had three key players whose contracts were up and most of us (myself included) thought Beane would only re-sign one. Well, all three signed. This year, many of us thought Poyer was Miami-bound, but he's back. Gabe seems happy, the team is a contender, and he may realize that he's not a #1 but a solid #2 opposite Diggs. Let's hope his mom keeps him humble.
  22. I still might run in silence, tears of joy might stain my face And the summer sun might burn me 'til I'm blind But not to where I cannot see you Walkin' on the back roads, by the rivers flowing gentle on my mind
  23. Thank you. Book publishers are not peer reviewers. If they think a book will sell, they'll publish it. And controversy sells. Many years ago, my SIL convinced my in-laws to try a diet that's based on one's blood type. It was based on a book written by a medical doctor whose hypothesis was that blood types tend to be related to our places of ancestry, so our bodies are designed to eat the foods that come from those regions. A reasonable hypothesis, to be sure, and one that warranted further investigation. But he bypassed (or failed to get through) the peer review process and published the book. A couple of years later, he published another book acknowledging that it's not quite that simple, and then went into all kinds of variations on the diet, the rough equivalent of adding epicycles to the Ptolemaic (Earth-centered) model of the solar system. In physics class, we jokingly called this a fudge factor - a constant that makes the data match the hypothesis, even when it clearly doesn't. Scientific research is put through a rigorous peer review process to account for research biases, and extraneous variables, and to ensure good research practices. I take no medical advice from any source - books, internet message boards, randos in parking lots - unless it's supported by peer-reviewed research.
  24. Yes, but they extract a chemical from the plant, mix it with other stuff that might enhance the effect, and patent the formula. If cannabis, all by itself, can serve as a treatment, then patients can simply grow their own. That's bad for business if your business is making drugs.
  25. This also opens up the potential for serious research on the positive and negative effects of cannabis. Big-pharma won't sponsor it because they can't patent a plant (although they could do like Big-ag and patent a genetic strain of a plant), and the NSF won't fund cannabis-related grants because Schedule 1 means no valid use whatsoever. What little scientific research exists is due to a handful of dedicated scientists who jumped through ridiculous hoops in order to conduct their studies. Knowledge is power.
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