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Everything posted by WhoTom

  1. You're not getting my beer.
  2. When the men on the chessboard Get up and tell you where to go And you've just had some kind of mushroom And your mind is moving low
  3. Remember this? "It was Fred's turn."
  4. Breakfast burrito with Frank's Red Hot.
  5. I don't see how either of them has any impact on the game itself. Brandt is over the top, but nobody is forcing us to watch him. And I'm completely indifferent to Taylor Swift.
  6. But what I really want to know is Are you gonna go my way?
  7. I was thinking the same thing. Didn't see Cook at the time.
  8. Something I thought was funny: many Midwest stations who were originally slated to cover the Bears/Broncos game complained and got the Bills/Dolphins game instead. Turned out that the more competitive game was the one between the bottom-feeders. I might actually watch the replay of that game - looks like it was entertaining. (Not as entertaining as watching the Bills destroy the Dolphins, at least from the perspective of a Bills fan.) To the OP's point, yeah, you have to wonder what they were thinking putting the Pats*/Cowboys in the 4:30 slot yesterday. But then again, I thought the opening night game would be a blowout and it turned into an upset. Any given Sunday (or Monday, Thursday, and occasional Saturday) ...
  9. Agreed. The only person who can beat the Bills is Josh Allen. (And I don't mean the Jags' DE.)
  10. That play, plus the Knox "angry run," Diggs' TD, and Kincaid's YAC showed Josh that he can take the safer throws and trust his receivers to turn them into "hero" plays. The fact that he's taking these high-percentage throws shows that he's becoming more mature. And the fact that he was rewarded for those decisions makes it likely that he'll continue doing it. And Dorsey's game plan was brilliant. It encouraged Josh to do exactly that - look for the shorter plays early and let that open up the big plays later.
  11. I may be going to hell in a bucket, babe, But at least I'm enjoying the ride.
  12. Their defense is okay. Our offense is outstanding.
  13. Dorsey, too.
  14. Well, as one Miami fan predicted, the 'Phins exposed the Bills for what they really are: the better team.
  15. And I know, I know, I know, I know I know, I know, I know, I know, I know I know, I know, I know, I know, I know I know, I know, I know, I know, I know I know, I know, I know, I know, I know I know, I know Hey I oughta leave young thing alone But ain't no sunshine when she's gone
  16. The Van Gogh treatment.
  17. That's a problem, no doubt, but one that's being addressed in a multitude of ways. I covered the topic a few years ago: https://www.engineering.com/story/closing-the-loop-on-solar-panel-recycling
  18. Solar's impact on a home's value depends on the buyer's perception. In general, though, it does increase the resale value. https://www.architecturaldigest.com/reviews/solar/do-solar-panels-increase-home-value The payback period is based on local conditions. As for the limit on storage, the only limit is how much you can afford.
  19. I wrote this for my wife's blog a few years ago. It may answer some of your questions. https://www.theselfsufficienthomeacre.com/2014/09/solar-electricity-at-home.html (I wrote it in 2014 and updated it last year.)
  20. I feel like these "opposing team message board" threads are just like the "random talking head says something about the Bills" thread. Just someone's opinion, which may or may not be supported by evidence. But in the end, WGAFF what they think?
  21. I told you about the walrus and me, man You know that we're as close as can be, man Well, here's another clue for you all The walrus was Paul
  22. Just curious - did you have Covid before that? https://www.entmemphis.com/what-are-covid-19s-long-term-effects-on-the-ears-nose-and-throat/ https://www.uhhospitals.org/blog/articles/2022/03/can-covid-19-cause-hearing-loss https://www.news-medical.net/news/20211029/New-evidence-that-SARS-CoV-2-virus-can-infect-the-inner-ear.aspx
  23. Solar panels are warrantied for 20 years and almost always last much longer. After 20 years, they lose about 10% of their generating capacity, but they still generate electricity. Older panels from utility-scale farms are often resold at a discount and replaced with new panels. And there are significant efforts to make the newer panels recyclable. No power company is going to abandon their investment and leave a solar array to rot. As for pollution, the carbon payback period for solar panels is around 2-4 years, depending on the power source they're replacing, and the energy payback period is 1-3 years depending on the amount of sunlight they get. And yes, we know they don't produce much on cloudy days (although they do produce some), but they're really good on sunny days when people are running their AC. And energy storage smooths out the "duck curve" - the gap between supply and demand. Whether it's worth it to put them on your house really depends. A lot of people go with a power purchase agreement (PPA), where the company installs the equipment at no cost to the consumer, and the consumer pays the company only for the power that the array generates. That's a win-win for the consumer, as there's no initial investment and they save some money on their energy bills. And it's a win-win for the company because they own the equipment, so they get the tax credit and other incentives, and they get a steady stream of income by selling the power to the consumer. To purchase a system, the payback period is 5-15 years, depending on the regional electricity rate. Here in the Midwest, where our power is mainly nuclear and wind, our electric rate is dirt cheap; the payback period for us would be about 15 years. On the other hand, a friend who lives in NH pays around $0.23/kWh, so for him, a solar array would pay for itself in around 5 years.
  24. Now you know it's a meaningless question to ask If those stories are right Because what matters most Is the feeling you get when you're hypnotized
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