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Everything posted by WhoTom

  1. I only opened this thread because I was told there would be cake.
  2. Georgia, Georgia The whole day through (the whole day through) Just an old sweet song Keeps Georgia on my mind (Georgia on my mind)
  3. You might be an island On the distant horizon But the little I see Looks like heaven to me I don't care if the ocean gets rough Just a little is enough
  4. ... at Bank of America Stadium.
  5. "American Factory" (Netflix) is a documentary about a GM plant that closed when the market collapsed in 2008. The building was later purchased by a Chinese company that re-opened it ... let's just say under a different business model. Depressing, but enlightening.
  6. Oh, my, my, oh, hell yes You've got to put on that party dress
  7. I'm a fan, not a GM, and I've been one for 50 years. I watch football for entertainment. I'm bummed when they get knocked out of the playoffs, but it doesn't invalidate the fun I had watching. So for me, I'll watch the Bills until I die. I really wanted the Niners to beat the Chiefs last week. When the game ended, my wife said, "Sorry it didn't go your way." I told her it was the outcome I expected, but it was a great game to watch, nonetheless. I've adopted a Buddhist/Taoist philosophy of life. I can't control what I can't change; all I can control is how I react to it. I highly recommend it.
  8. I was just a few weeks old when JFK was shot and too young to pay attention to politics when RFK was shot and when Kent State happened. But I clearly remember the Challenger and 9/11 moments.
  9. ... so the man has good connections, too. 🙂 He's a keeper!
  10. Ain't no time to hate Barely time to wait Woah, oh, what I want to know Where does the time go?
  11. ... which inspired Neil Young to write the song "Ohio" and record it with CSNY.
  12. Somewhere out on that horizon Out beyond the neon lights I know there must be somethin' better But there's nowhere else in sight
  13. WhoTom

    2024 Concerts

    I've gotten burned out on big shows anyway. When the cheap seats are $150, you end up watching a band on the screen unless you pay big bucks for good seats. We've been doing a lot of local shows, some cheap, some free (we always put money in the tip bucket), but great live music, no crowds, and sometimes in parks where you can bring in your own food, drinks, and lawn chairs. It's laid back, close to home, you get three hours of great tunes, and you're supporting up-and-coming artists instead of millionaires. Also, no big crowds, easy parking, and no post-show traffic jams. I still like the major bands, but if I'm gonna watch them on a screen, I'll do it from my couch.
  14. I get knocked down, but I get up again You're never gonna keep me down
  15. Good luck!
  16. She's young now, she's wild now, she wants to be free She gets the magic power of the music from me
  17. You said the pain is on both sides, but is it localized to a specific area of each side? I have a TENS unit for lower back pain and it works better than pain meds - even prescription meds. You can find a decent one for about $30. Get one that has a rechargeable battery built in, because the TENS will drain a battery in about 10 hours.
  18. I just finished the 6th book in the "complete" box set only to find that there's more: at least one more book. I like a variety of genres and I have about 8 books in my queue, so I don’t think I'll continue this one right away, if at all. I liked the conclusion of the 6th book, other than the final scene with the "to be continued" message, so I'm content with that.
  19. In addition to Tuco's book, which was really good, I also recommend Niagara Falls into Darkness, by our very own ChevyVanMiller.
  20. I used to feel that way, but I changed my tune (excuse the pun). Two reasons: 1. I heard the song "I've Been Everywhere" in a commercial and although I wasn't familiar with the song, I recognized the voice of Johnny Cash. I hadn't heard much of his music other than Folsom, A Boy Named Sue, and a couple of his songs that the Grateful Dead had covered, so I bought the compilation album "Cash" and discovered a bunch more songs that I loved. I've heard a few other songs in commercials that I hadn't heard before, looked them up, and bought some music. You can argue that it's a marketing ploy, but the way I see it is that it's exposing the new generation to older music. 2. If you work for a company that produces something, aren't you effectively "selling out your talents?" Why should artists be any different? I'm a freelance technical writer who writes for e-mags and print trade journals. Sometimes I write an article that's sponsored by a vendor. Am I selling out?
  21. Or a 3 to a 2, in my case. Only got caught once (by a cashier), so I quickly put it back and left. That was shortly before my 18th BD, so not a big deal. And so I'd never show the altered one to a cop, I told the DMV that I'd lost it, and they reissued one with my real birthday.
  22. That's been on our radar for a while. I think we'll check it out. On a similar note, the series Good Omens (Amazon Prime?) was a lot of fun.
  23. Until a medical condition made me ineligible, I'd been a blood donor since I was seventeen. I donated a little over 21 gallons (~172 pints) in four decades. After we got married, my wife started donating and when our son became eligible, he started too. As far as getting out to do volunteer work, we've done some one-off activities that were sponsored by the college where I taught and a few other organizations. We also donate money to numerous charitable causes. And all of our pets have been shelter rescues, not breeder purchases.
  24. Earlier in the thread, I mentioned that I was halfway through The Earthburst Saga by Craig A. Falconer. I'm near the end now, and, wow what a thrill ride! Interesting characters, cool futuristic tech (maybe 10-20 years away for some of it), plot twists, and, like driving thru the Rocky Mountains, there are ups, downs, and something spectacular around every corner. I highly recommend it, and Amazon sells the Kindle version for $0.99 - for the whole series. I'll be reading more of his work. https://www.goodreads.com/series/360931-the-earthburst-saga
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