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Everything posted by WhoTom

  1. Clowns to the left of me, Jokers to the right, here I am, Stuck in the middle with you.
  2. You dreamed of a big star He played a mean guitar He always ate in the Steak Bar He loved to drive in his Jaguar
  3. If the Bills go 4-12, is there a 73% chance that Josh gets cut?
  4. I'm not feeling bad about his result, I just think the whole premise is nothing but mental "self-pleasuring." (Edited because the second "M" word got turned into *****.)
  5. That's what makes it so pointless. There's no evidence to suggest that the Bills will go 4-12, so he's done an analysis of something based on a very unlikely assumption. If you really want to calculate the probability of McD getting fired, first start with the probability that the Bills win fewer than five games. Let's say that's a 20% chance. So if, according to the writer's so-called analytics, there's a 73% chance that he gets fired for going 4-12 and there's a 20% chance of him going 4-12 (or worse), then the actual probability of him being fired is 14.6% Not a very enticing headline, is it?
  6. Ummm ... is there a way in which that could go right???
  7. A related twist on that theme: What did James Watson and Francis Crick discover? Rosalind Franklin's notebook.
  8. According to my analytical model, a person is 73% more likely to get his wild-ass speculation published on a major website if he accompanies it with a fabricated statistic and the word "analytical."
  9. Several years ago, a friend said, "John Paul Jones is the most talented member of Led Zeppelin." I'd have put him at third, after Page and Bonham, but then I started listening more carefully to his parts and I realized that as great a guitarist as Jimmy Page is (and he is), it's Jones and Bonham who really drove the music. Much like John Entwistle, Chris Squire, and Geddy Lee, JPJ played the bass like a lead instrument.
  10. You set sail across the sea Of long past thoughts and memories. Childhood's end, your fantasies Merge with harsh realities. And then as the sail is hoist, You find your eyes are growing moist. All the fears never voiced Say you have to make your final choice.
  11. There's this website called Two Bills Drive. I spend far too much time there.
  12. His first year, they had him at MLB, where he got pushed around too much. Before the trade, I think the plan was to move him outside. I thought he had potential as a WLB. Now, all I can say is, "Thank you Chip Kelly!"
  13. I hope the prison cafeteria has lousy sandwiches.
  14. I think you established that a few posts up the thread.
  15. Baby, time meant nothing, anything seemed real Yeah, you could kiss like fire, and you made me feel Like every word you said was meant to be But it couldn't been that easy to forget about me Baby, even the losers Get lucky sometimes Even the losers Keep a little bit of pride They get lucky sometimes
  16. It's been a while since I've seen it, but I remember "The Gods Must Be Crazy" being heavily narrated.
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