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Everything posted by WhoTom

  1. Shave the dog, then bathe him in tomato juice. And save a little tomato juice for a well-deserved Bloody Mary afterwards.
  2. Leaves are falling all around It's time I was on my way Thanks to you I'm much obliged For such a pleasant stay But now it's time for me to go The autumn moon lights my way For now I smell the rain And with it pain And it's headed my way
  3. If I were the HC, I'd let him fire me before I'd let him make a coach's decision.
  4. As long as it's a hobby, then it doesn't matter how quickly you progress or how many guitars you own. I started about 10 years ago, in a community-ed class at our local community college. Now I know about a dozen chords, two scales (minor and blues), and how to transpose from one key to another. Armed with that, I can play - at least in a stripped down version - well over a hundred songs. I don't sing, but my wife recognizes the songs I'm playing just by the sound, so I must be doing something right. Mostly, I play because it feels good to play.
  5. The next thing I remember I am walking down the street I'm feeling all right I'm with my boys I'm with my troops, yeah And down along the avenue Some guys were shooting pool And I heard the sound Of a cappella groups, yeah Singing late in the evening And all the girls out on the stoops, yeah
  6. A good acoustic will start at around $200 new. You can get a decent electric, with a small practice amp, for less than that. Since your budget is around $500, you can get a nice guitar of either type. But really, it's about what you like to play. I started with acoustic, then bought an electric. But I found that I'm a better strummer than a picker, and for those big open chords, the acoustic is better. I started playing at age 45, which isn't the best time to learn something that involves fine-motor skills. Strumming rhythm guitar is easier for me because it involves fewer finger movements - just change chords once per measure, as opposed to playing 4-8 notes per measure. It also requires less precision with my right hand, because I'm strumming several strings at once instead of just one at a time. I ended up giving the electric to my son. He also got my Ibanez acoustic when I bought the Seagull S6.
  7. Good point. I had trouble with the A chord on my Ibanez. The guy at the music store recommended a 12-string. When I found the Seagull S12+ and fell in love with it, I decided to get an S6 Original too, which has the same wide neck as the S12+.
  8. Well, I ain't always right but I've never been wrong Seldom turns out the way it does in a song Once in a while you get shown the light In the strangest of places if you look at it right
  9. Seagulls are nice guitars for the money, and if you can find one used, even better. I have an S6 Original and an S12+. Both were used when I bought them - I paid about $400 for the 12-string and $220 for the 6-string.
  10. As an old music professor once told me, the key to improvising is knowing what you're doing. It's a blend of experience and guesswork. Rodgers' improvisations are more on the experience side of that continuum, while Allen's, at this point in his career, lean more towards guesswork.
  11. I thought he didn't follow the other teams.
  12. Summertime, and the livin' is easy Fish are jumpin' and the cotton is high Oh, your daddy's rich and your ma is good-lookin' So hush, little baby, don't you cry
  13. I was dreaming of a steel guitar engagement When you drunk my health in scented jasmine tea But you knifed me in my dirty filthy basement With that jaded, faded, junky nurse oh what pleasant company!
  14. Incandescent bulbs can run on DC or AC. Uncle Fester's battery doesn't need an inverter.
  15. Drink your usual ... just pour some Frank's into it. ?
  16. If anyone knows the meaning of "Overrated," it should be Rex. He looks at it in the mirror every morning.
  17. I was going to say the things in bold. Hit Edelman hard (but clean) as soon as the play starts. Disrupt his timing and remind him that his ribs are sore. Every time.
  18. Cowboys. "America's Team" "It's an open-air stadium so God can watch his favorite team play." My nightmare Super Bowl would be Dallas vs. NE, because I'd feel compelled to root for the Cowboys.
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