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Everything posted by WhoTom

  1. Almost cut my hair It happened just the other day It was gettin' kinda long I coulda said it was in my way But I didn't and I wonder why I feel like letting my freak flag fly And I feel like I owe it to someone
  2. My day isn't complete until my son looks at me funny.
  3. That sleepy little town she lived in had the highest per capita murder rate in the country.
  4. Normally I don't point out spelling errors, but just to prove you right, I did it this time. ?
  5. Went to see the captain, strangest I could find Laid my proposition down, laid it on the line I won't slave for beggar's pay, likewise gold and jewels But I would slave to learn the way to sink your ship of fools
  6. I took the horses up to the stall Went to the barroom, ordered drinks for all Three days in the saddle, You know my body hurt It being summer, I took off my shirt And I tried to wash off some of that dusty dirt
  7. Country roads, take me home To the place I belong West Virginia, mountain mama Take me home, country roads
  8. The Twelfth-Man Saloon "I stayed late at The Office." (It's in Kennedy, NY.)
  9. I'm not defending Rodgers' actions, but it's a very different situation than Manning's. Peyton was one hit away from a career-ending neck injury and Luck was considered the best QB to come out of college since ... Peyton Manning. In fact, Peyton told the Colts they'd be stupid not to draft Luck. Meanwhile, Rodgers is still healthy and productive, and the QB they drafted isn't expected to start anytime soon. Drafting his eventual replacement, like they did when they drafted Rodgers and still had Favre, was fine, but they should have at least gotten him some help in the receiving corps first. He has every right to be upset, but I agree with you that he shouldn't be airing it in public.
  10. Here I am On the road again There I am Up on the stage Here I go Playin' star again There I go Turn the page
  11. We're not gonna take it Never did and never will We're not gonna take it Gonna break it, gonna shake it Let's forget it better still
  12. We had a turkey visit our feeder one year: An oriole building a nest and one at the feeder:
  13. Half of my life I spent doin' time for some other f**ker's crime The other half found me stumbling 'round drunk on Burgundy wine
  14. Stevie turns 70 today. Here's one of my favorite Stevie Wonder stories: https://www.huffpost.com/entry/stevie-wonder-performs-surprise-duet_n_58877faee4b070d8cad57b4c And the video:
  15. I was only joking, my dear Looking for a way to hide my fear What kind of fool was I? I could never win
  16. I've got a thing for the "MILF next door" look; I'd take Jill over either of the tool girls.
  17. Coming to you on a dusty road Good loving, I've got a truck load But when you get it, you got something Don't worry, 'cause I'm coming I'm a soul man
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