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Everything posted by WhoTom

  1. The Dolphins owned the Bills throughout the 70s, therefore my hatred for them is strong. The Patriots* owned the Bills (and virtually everyone else) for the past two decades, therefore my hatred for them is off the charts. The Jets have owned nobody, therefore they're simply a division rival.
  2. Probably a businessman with no science background and six bankruptcies to his name. Whose opinion would YOU trust?
  3. Wow - how you twisted what I wrote into that must have involved some serious mental gymnastics.
  4. I'm not a huge James Corden fan, but this was way cool, especially when he asked them to turn on the jukebox in the Liverpool pub (around the 16-minute mark):
  5. Until I've walked a mile in someone else's shoes, I'm reluctant to say anything about the person. Once I've walked a mile in their shoes, I can say whatever the hell I want, because I'm a mile away and I have their shoes.
  6. You set sail across the sea Of long past thoughts and memories Childhood’s end, your fantasies Merge with harsh realities And then as the sail is hoist You find your eyes are growing moist All the fears left unvoiced Say you have to make your final choice
  7. He's a scientist. Science doesn't give a $#!+ about politics. It's only certain politicians who keep trying to politicize science. As far as someone else's accusation about Fauci "flip flopping" or "being wrong," science is about drawing the best conclusions that you can with the data that's available. Early on, there was little data about how COVID-19 spreads, so a lot of early conclusions were wrong. As more information came in, the models were adjusted and the conclusions were modified. That's how science works - it's a self-correcting system of progressive discovery. Changing one's mind in the face of evidence is better than doubling down on a flawed conclusion or "hoping" the problem will just go away.
  8. You give me fever! When you kiss me Fever when you hold me tight Fever! In the morning Fever all through the night
  9. You go back, Jack, do it again Wheels turnin' 'round and 'round You go back, Jack, do it again
  10. The guaranteed way to win the lottery is to run the lottery; they win every time! Just like casinos (usually).
  11. Goin' to a party, Meet me on after school Well we're goin' to a place where the jive is really cool And if the band stops a playin' There's a jukebox down the hall And with your blue dress on, your folks all gone You're sure to give the guys a ball
  12. That joke reminded me of this song:
  13. Whenever I see your smiling face I have to smile myself Because I love you, yes, I do And when you give me that pretty little pout It turns me inside out There's something about you, baby I don't know
  14. Their interest in the Bills is the same as their interest in the Sabres: Kim is a fan. Buying the Bills in order to to keep the Sabres afloat doesn't make sense - they'd have been better off taking a chunk of the $1.4B that they spent on the Bills and spend it directly on the Sabres.
  15. She said, "why don't we both just sleep on it tonight? And I believe in the morning you'll begin to see the light" And then she kissed me, and I realized she probably was right There must be fifty ways to leave your lover
  16. I don't know about misleading, but it's a convoluted way of saying, "We've got enough money to keep McDermott and Beane."
  17. Thanks for the tip - I just downloaded a step tracker/pedometer that I'll use when we walk our dogs every day.
  18. Let me sleep all night in your soul kitchen Warm my mind near your gentle stove
  19. Action speaks louder than word and I'm a man of a great experience I know you got you another man but I can love you better than him Take my hand, don't be afraid, I wanna prove every word I say I'm advertising love for free, so won't you place your ad with me?
  20. Sometimes we ride on your horses, sometimes we walk alone Sometimes the songs that we hear are just songs of our own
  21. You dreamed of a big star He played a mean guitar He always ate in the Steak Bar He loved to drive in his Jaguar So welcome to the machine
  22. They own everything up to and including the box. Have them remove it. Phone lines carry power, so cutting the wire and leaving the cut part in the ground could cause trouble. (Maybe they cut the power when your service was disconnected, but I wouldn't take the chance.) If they troubleshoot it and find where the cause is, they could give you a hard time.
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