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Everything posted by WhoTom

  1. https://www.twobillsdrive.com/community/forum/14-politics-polls-and-pundits/
  2. If the first Democratic administration you lived through was Bill Clinton's, then I can see your point, but that's not very far back in history.
  3. I guess that's where we disagree. I don't think it's a long-term investment.
  4. It's a given that fossil fuels are going away - even the fossil fuel companies know that, which is why they're investing in renewable energy. But it won't happen overnight, largely because the Democrats aren't nearly as far left as some pundits would have you believe. When the pandemic is over, people start traveling, and businesses get back to full strength, the demand will increase and prices will go up again. In a year or two, he'll make a profit selling what he just bought.
  5. True. I'm guessing he thinks the value has bottomed out and, although it probably won't ever get back to pre-pandemic levels, it's likely to rise enough for him to sell it to someone who thinks it will. In other words, buy low and sell when it's on the upswing, fooling people into thinking that it'll continue to grow. It's probably a shrewd move and if it doesn't work, he'll have a huge tax write-off as a consolation prize.
  6. I suspect that his assessment is based on the concept of "original sin." I don't happen to subscribe to that philosophy, nor do I think that any person is inherently good or evil; I simply recognize that every person is capable of performing good deeds as well as committing acts of evil. Some people choose to do more of the former, others emphasize the latter.
  7. Late last night I heard the screen door slam And a big yellow taxi Took away my old man Don't it always seem to go That you don't know what you've got 'Til it's gone They paved paradise Put up a parking lot
  8. "A nickel ain't worth a dime anymore." "You have to go to other people's funerals, otherwise they won't go to yours." Regarding the "fork in the road" quip, Yogi explained it in "The Yogi Book." A friend was coming to visit, and Yogi was giving him directions to his house. The directions included the famous line. Yogi concluded, "My friend made it to my house, so I guess the directions were okay." I try to remember that whenever I dwell on past mistakes. In general, I'm happy with where I am in life, so the road that got me here, good decisions and bad, must have been okay.
  9. Sun goin' up And then the Sun it's goin' down Shine through my window and My friends they come around
  10. I wonder if this company can afford it: https://www.psentertainment.com/
  11. I said, war, Huh Good God, y'all What is it good for Absolutely nothing Say it again
  12. Dark Star Orchestra: Gov't Mule: String Cheese Incident:
  13. Peripheral vision is more sensitive to dim light than direct vision. https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/put-your-peripheral-vision-to-the-test/
  14. Have three guys run at him from different directions while he's making the catch. He'll learn to tune out the distractions.
  15. Woke up this morning And I had those Walking Blues Woke up this morning And I had those Walking Blues I wasn't walkin' nowhere 'Cause I didn't have no legs!
  16. Or rename a bridge that's currently named for a KKK activist: https://johnlewisbridge.com
  17. And the train keeps rolling And the world keeps turning All aboard, all aboard Everybody's gotta get on board.
  18. Alternatives: "Wanna see my humbuckers?" "Check out my whammy bar!"
  19. I tried a couple of nights ago, but it was too close to the horizon. It should be better in a week or so.
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