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Everything posted by WhoTom

  1. I laid a divorcée in New York City I had to put up some kind of a fight The lady then she covered me with roses She blew my nose and then she blew my mind
  2. I walk this empty street On the Boulevard of Broken Dreams Where the city sleeps And I'm the only one and I walk alone
  3. I pay market rate - the same rate as before the ACA. What's supposed to make it affordable is the subsidy for those who otherwise couldn't afford it. My income is just over the threshold, so I don't qualify. Technically, it is affordable, as I'm able to pay the bills without going homeless or hungry. Rather than complaining about not getting a subsidy that others are getting, I'm grateful that I don't need the subsidy. The ACA leaves a lot to be desired, but as someone else pointed out, it's helped more than 20 million people obtain coverage. I'd like to see it improved, not repealed or gutted. And for the record, the politicians who passed it ARE forced to use it. https://www.cnbc.com/2017/07/25/heres-how-much-members-of-congress-pay-for-their-health-insurance.html
  4. Out in the woods Or in the city It's all the same to me When I'm driving free The world's my home When I'm mobile
  5. Fleetwood Mac originally started as a blues band, led by Peter Green. RIP, Sir. https://www.guitarplayer.com/news/peter-green-fleetwood-mac-co-founder-and-legendary-british-blues-guitarist-dead-at-73
  6. Waaaaaah. Our household makes less than half of that, we pay about $25k/year for health insurance, I lost 3 months worth of work from one client because of the virus, and we've got a son in college. Our stimulus check went to charities that are helping people who really got screwed by COVID-19. I wonder how those people feel about raising minimum wage to $15/hr. (Never mind - I can probably guess.)
  7. I've been to Louisville, Nashville, Knoxville, Ombabika Schefferville, Jacksonville, Waterville, Costa Rica Pittsfield, Springfield, Bakersfield, Shreveport Hackensack, Cadillac, Fond du Lac, Davenport Idaho, Jellico, Argentina, Diamantina Pasadena, Catalina, see what I mean'a I've been everywhere, man I've been everywhere, man Crossed the deserts bare, man I've breathed the mountain air, man Of travel I've a'had my share, man I've been everywhere
  8. Good point. Whenever someone talks about how "self-sufficient" they are, I like to point out that mankind is at the top of the food chain, but a man is not. Every survival manual tells you how to stay alive long enough to get back to civilization. Even the "mountain men" who live in the hills use modern technology - chainsaws (and, by extension, gasoline), guns, ammo, etc. We're all in this together, folks.
  9. My son used to study Tae Kwon Do. One day, I was sitting in the dojo with the other parents, and a cell phone rang. The woman answered and said, "I'm at my grandson's Ka-RAH-tee lesson."
  10. I wouldn't tell a black belt that it's not.
  11. What's the point of naming a cat? They don't come when you call them, so why bother?
  12. Would a civil engineer be a road scholar? ?
  13. I played baseball and football in grade school and junior high (sandlot and leagues), and I played church-league softball in high school. Honestly, I wasn't good enough to make a high school baseball or football squad. As far as knowing the Xs and Os of the game, I was a defensive tackle - the only strategy they taught me was, "Find the guy with the ball and take him down." As a younger fan, I was pretty much a casual observer. Over the past 20 years, I've started to learn more about the intricacies of the game. If it doesn't conflict with the Bills and it doesn't involve the Patriots*, I'll watch any game that Romo is calling, partly for the educational content.
  14. You're kraken me up, Yolo! Seems like "Dive in!" isn't appropriate for ice hockey. Now if they had a water polo team...
  15. Soon the Gypsy Queen in a glaze of Vaseline Will perform on guillotine, what a scene, what a scene Next upon the stand will you please extend a hand? To Alexander's Ragtime Band, Dixieland, Dixieland
  16. We finally had clear enough skies to see it last night. With the naked eye, it's a dim fuzzy patch. Through binoculars, we saw the tail clearly. It should be even better tonight.
  17. This is a real apartment complex in Madison WI.
  18. When they bust the perpetrator and ask his name, I hope he says, "Call me Ishmael."
  19. That's why I hire all my hitmen from Craig's List.
  20. So it's easier to believe that millions of people, as well as all major news outlets, all over the globe (or disc, if you prefer) are conspiring on a global hoax that has devastating impacts on the world economy than it is to believe that one incompetent businessman, who's bankrupted six companies, screwed up and is now lying to cover his posterior. Occam's razor hasn't seen the strop in a while, I guess.
  21. Like a surprise onside kick or going for it on 4th down, whether it's stupid or brilliant will be determined by the result.
  22. Dip a towel or bandana in cool water and put it around your neck. The evaporative effect will cool you.
  23. I remember my dad saying that to a waitress once. I wonder how many times she heard that.
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