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Everything posted by WhoTom

  1. I opened this thread expecting to find a recipe. Now I'm hungry and unsatisfied.
  2. Not as bad as a sausage joke. Those are the wurst.
  3. And I feel Like I've been here before Feel Like I've been here before And you know It makes me wonder What's going on Down under The ground
  4. Why did the Star Wars movies come out in the order 4 5 6 1 2 3 7 8 9? In charge of the sequence, Yoda was.
  5. Smoke smoke smoke that cigarette Puff puff puff and if you smoke yourself to death Tell St Peter at the Golden Gate That you hate to make him wait But you just gotta have another cigarette
  6. Now I'm a-standin' on the corner in Winslow, Arizona With such a fine sight to see It's a girl, my Lord, in a flatbed Ford Slowin' down to take a look at me
  7. Before my wife raised turkeys and when we were living in a different house, she was taking a walk in our neighborhood. She came home scared and breathing heavily, I asked what was wrong, and she told me she got chased by a turkey. I thought that was hilarious, but now that we've raised them, I see how dangerous they can be. Mating season is the worst - other times they're not quite as aggressive.
  8. Our son lives here, so he usually watches the livestock and the pets when my wife and I travel. If we're going back to WNY to visit family and he comes with, then we have nearby friends who run a CSA (community supported agriculture) who also have livestock. My wife will take care of their animals when they go away and they reciprocate for us. We actually met them because my wife had an abundance of chickens and decided to sell some a few years ago. They had just bought a farm and moved to the area, and saw her ad on Craig's List.
  9. Turkeys can be pretty mean - especially the males. My wife doesn't take pleasure in the butchering process, but she feels "less bad" about taking out a tom that's attacked her.
  10. We've had ducks and turkeys too. Duck eggs are higher in fat - they're great for baking or French toast, but just fried or scrambled, they have a somewhat off flavor. Not bad, but not as good as chicken eggs. I don't remember the turkey eggs. It was a short experiment, because they didn't produce as well compared to the food they ate. Now, if she raises turkeys, she'll do a small flock of meat birds - eight weeks from the hatchery to the freezer.
  11. Yeah, store-bought eggs don't compare. Eggs from chickens that can forage are tastier and healthier. We've had a few issues with predators - a possum and a couple of foxes have had chicken dinners on us, and we saw a coyote trolling around one day, but we were able to scare it away.
  12. Nope. We're on a country road, but there's a subdivision across the road. Our side is zoned res/ag, so the chickens are legal. One next-door neighbor has about 2 acres of land between their house and ours (and they have horses); the neighbor on the other side is closer, but he's cool with the chickens. (We give him a half-dozen eggs for free every week as a goodwill gesture, but it's probably not necessary.) The flock is pretty quiet except when the rooster crows, which isn't all that often. I suppose the folks across the road can hear them, but not to the level where they're obnoxious. We sleep with the windows open and it's the songbirds, not the rooster, that wake me up in the morning.
  13. ^ That brought back memories! (Foggy memories, but memories nonetheless.) Day before my birthday me and my cousin Dave Drove his truck down to the border And we hitchhiked the rest of the way Down through Mexico
  14. <Shameless plug alert> My wife has been a gardener her whole life. Ten years ago we moved to a place that's zoned residential/agricultural so she could raise chickens. It's only one acre, including the house, but she has a nice garden and a couple dozen chickens. Shortly after we moved, she started blogging about homesteading. In February, a publisher found her blog and asked her to author a book on backyard homesteading. It's now in print. If you're interested, here's her landing page, including a description and a link to preorder the book, which comes out on September 1st. (Those who preorder will also get a free copy of her latest ebook by filling out the form on the landing page.) https://www.theselfsufficienthomeacre.com/the-beginners-guide-to-backyard-homesteading
  15. Move away (backward), as in, "You're too close, so back up."
  16. There are men high up there fishing Haven't seen quite enough of the world I ain't seen a sign of my hero And I'm still diving down for pearls Let me flow into the ocean Let me get back to the sea Let me be stormy, let me be calm Let the tide in and set me free
  17. If this board was dominated by women, would this be a "Would ya?" thread?
  18. When the music's over Turn out the lights Turn out the lights Turn out the lights
  19. I finally solved that by quitting my job and becoming a freelancer. While it's good not to work with morons anymore, unfortunately I now have a prick for a boss and a lazy employee.
  20. We have four oriole pairs bringing their youngsters to the jelly feeder. Gotta load up on carbs before flying south.
  21. The smart birds will know that a coyote placed the food there.
  22. Apple products. To be fair, I did have a job where I had to support both Windows and Mac users, so I had a laptop that could boot into either system. I spent several months completely immersed in the Mac OS, just to get used to it. I went to Mac forums saying, "I do this in Windows, how do I do the same with a Mac?" and frequently, the answer was, "You can't." These are basic productivity tasks, like placing shortcuts to files and software on the desktop, easy task switching, etc. Windows can be frustrating at times, but it's far more customizable. I'll give Apple credit for coming up with great ideas, but someone else usually implements a better solution shortly thereafter and sells it for half the price.
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