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Everything posted by WhoTom

  1. Yeah, I'm gonna take you home I won't do you no harm, no You've got to be all mine, all mine Foxy lady Here I come baby I'm coming to get you
  2. Just pump "Renegade" into the stadium - we own that song now.
  3. So he conned the flat-Earthers, huh? Talk about your easy marks. ?
  4. They do, indeed. A few months ago, a flat-Earther and amateur rocketeer was killed when he crashed his homemade rocket during an attempt to fly to 5000 feet - allegedly high enough to prove that the Earth is flat, because at 5000 feet you'd be able to see the curvature if it were round. Except that you can't detect the curvature from that altitude. Hell, planes fly at 30,000 feet and you can't see it from that altitude either. The Earth's diameter is 8000 miles - nearly 42,000,000 feet. Do you think you'll detect the curvature of a 42 million foot diameter sphere from 5000 feet (0.01% of the diameter) away? 135,000 feet, on the other hand... https://www.wyso.org/2014-10-25/near-space-dive-sets-new-skydive-record-25-miles-above-earth Of course, they'll argue that the "recording" was CGI, like some people claim that Stanley Kubrick faked the moon landings. By the way, if anyone out there wants to fly 5000 feet in the air, don't build a rocket - find someone with a Cessna and pay them to take you up. It ain't ... um ... well, for lack of a better term ... rocket science.
  5. I accept math, and the Drake Equation is neither optimistic nor pessimistic - it simply offers probabilities based on limited knowledge. Dr. Sagan didn't assume aliens had visited us or even that intelligent life currently exists elsewhere, just that it probably has at some time and place in the universe. I'm open to the possibility that there's intelligent life elsewhere in the universe, simply because the universe is so huge and diverse. I doubt that aliens have visited Earth, because they'd have to know we were here, presumably by finding our stray TV and radio signals, which means they'd have to be within 100 light years or so, which is highly unlikely.
  6. Really? https://exoplanets.nasa.gov/news/1350/are-we-alone-in-the-universe-revisiting-the-drake-equation/
  7. Just legalize it and regulate it already. It's been working fine in Nevada. (No, I've never paid for it, nor do I plan to. I just think that what happens between consenting adults is their own business, as long as it doesn't harm anyone else.)
  8. Since it costs a lot to win and even more to lose You and me bound to spend some time wonderin' what to choose Goes to show, you don't ever know Watch each card you play and play it slow Wait until that deal come 'round Don't you let that deal go down, no, no
  9. The other thing that this shows is that Columbus was an idiot. He thought he could find a shortcut to India by traveling west, but he grossly underestimated the circumference of the Earth, which was well known for more than a thousand years prior. A trip to the library would have told him that the distance was too far. By the time they reached North America, they were nearly out of provisions and the crew was threatening mutiny. If there hadn't been a "new world," they'd have died. Columbus wasn't a great explorer - he was a lucky, incompetent navigator.
  10. That's one of the prettiest songs ever written. Grisman played mandolin on the studio version too. I read an interview where he said he wanted to play throughout the whole song instead of just the chorus, but Jerry said no. I think it was the right call.
  11. I won't fight you on that. Animals is every bit as good as Dark Side, although the latter is more "accessible" for most listeners. I have to be in the right mood for Animals, but Dark Side I can listen to any time. Both are masterpieces in their own right.
  12. Two variations of a classic Abbott and Costello routine:
  13. Then I saw her face, now I'm a believer Not a trace, of doubt in my mind I'm in love, and I'm a believer I couldn't leave her if I tried
  14. Slit skirts Jeanie never wears those slit skirts I don't ever wear no ripped shirts Can't pretend that growing older never hurts.
  15. It was a beautiful day, the sun beat down I had the radio on, I was drivin' Trees went by, me and Del were singin' Little Runaway I was flyin'
  16. Well I never kept a dollar past sunset It always burned a hole in my pants Never made a school mama happy Never blew a second chance, oh no I need a love to keep me happy I need a love to keep me happy Baby, baby keep me happy Baby, baby keep me happy
  17. Cecilia, you're breaking my heart You're shaking my confidence daily Oh, Cecilia, I'm down on my knees I'm begging you please to come home
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