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Everything posted by WhoTom

  1. With a good chunk of those points coming from the second-string offense. One point, though: 14 of those points were scored by the Bills' defense and special teams, not against the #1 defense.
  2. Well, I suppose if the bar was closing and she's the last one left, then sure...
  3. It's an instant messaging tool geared towards businesses. (In other words, one more thing to interrupt one's actual work.) One of my clients uses it, therefore I have an account. It's safe to say I'm not a fan.
  4. That Favre guy had a bit of success after his stint with the Jets. 😉
  5. [Keeping the Lou Reed thing going...] Then, one fine morning, she turns on a New York station She doesn't believe what she hears at all Ooh, she started dancin' to that fine, fine music You know, her life was saved by rock 'n' roll
  6. The Buffalo Bills To the Miami Mammals: "No playoffs for you."
  7. Frustrated women Have to be in by twelve o'clock But I'm a-wishin' and a-hopin' That just once those doors weren't locked
  8. I remember 2020 like it was yesterday. I guess hindsight really is 2020.
  9. I may be jumping the gun, but I was thinking that if we made it to the SB, the only NFC team I'd worried about would be Green Bay. This is a huge blow to their chances.
  10. Someone tossed one on the field during a previous Bills-Pats* game.
  11. In what world is "arrogance" a compliment? Confidence. Fearlessness. Guts. Not arrogance.
  12. That's one of my two favorite referee calls. The other was when a center forgot the snap count and the whole team, except him, started to go. The ref said, "False start, offense ... everyone but the center."
  13. I know, but he had spoken favorably about Gase before that. As I recall, BB had good things to say about Jauron when he was here.
  14. BB wants Gase to continue coaching the Jets just as much as we want Gase to continue coaching the Jets, for the exact same reason.
  15. No. Rex told them, "Just fire me now," so they did and then named Anthony Lynn as interim HC. Not sure if Rob was even around for the final game.
  16. Well deserved. Two plays stood out to me: 1. His TD where he caught the ball in double coverage and then broke two tackles to score. 2. His crossing route where he was the outlet receiver and he took it another 40 yards for the TD. He had no business scoring on either of those plays, but the D just couldn't stop him.
  17. Not the same thing. Jets told Gase intentionally. Bills told Rex only after he figured it out and asked.
  18. Sort of. The owners told Rex to not play Tyrod because of his injury clause. Rex figured out that they planned to let Tyrod go after the season, which implied that Rex was out the door too. so he asked, and they were honest with him. But I don't think they planned to tell him ahead of the game.
  19. I've been working from seven to eleven every night I said it kinda makes my life a drag Lord, that ain't right, no no Since I've been loving you I'm about to lose my worried mind
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