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Everything posted by WhoTom

  1. We're not gonna take it Never did and never will We're not gonna take it Gonna break it Gonna shake it Let's forget it better still
  2. I was just about to post that too. Beane never said Josh was "Their Guy," even when explicitly asked.
  3. "Harold, go put these instant rebate stickers on those Pick Me Ups." "Sure thing, boss." Ten minutes later...
  4. That depends on how the legal issues work themselves out. If Watson comes out squeaky clean, then I agree with you, but the price could decrease if the risk factors prove to be significant.
  5. BB wants to win a Super Bowl without #12, so I could see him mortgaging the future to accomplish exactly that, and then retiring after the balloon payments on that mortgage come due.
  6. My wife and I got our first dose of the Pfizer vaccine yesterday. Side effects are similar to those of a flu shot: sore arm, general aches, and overall blah feeling, but nothing major. A friend shared this article with me - an interesting account of the scientist whose research led to many vaccines, including the Covid-19 vaccines: https://www.cnn.com/2020/12/16/us/katalin-kariko-covid-19-vaccine-scientist-trnd/index.html
  7. Ain't talkin' 'bout love My love is rotten to the core Ain't talkin' 'bout love Just like I told you before, yeah before
  8. Carolina connection - maybe we should kick the tires. 🙂 But seriously, I'm guessing LinkedIn isn't the preferred method of finding NFL front office talent. I'm surprised he bothered to create a profile.
  9. Agreed. I'm pretty sure we saw the subtitled version.
  10. I've never actually cried during a movie, but there were some that put a lump in my throat. "Schindler's List" was one. Another, along similar lines, was "Life Is Beautiful" (La vita è bella). I can't remember if it's in English or if it's subtitled in English, but either way, it was very powerful. I did get a little choked up at the end of "Marley and Me." And during Kirk's eulogy for Spock at the end of "Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan" (arguably Shatner's best performance.)
  11. And the genius behind that decision makes even more money than Romo does.
  12. Did they go to Communion at the show? 😉
  13. When asked about the incident, the perpetrator said, "I planned to wait until I was outside before shooting off the fireworks, but sometimes I get caught up in the moment and, well, you know how it goes." With a dejected sigh, his girlfriend concurred.
  14. The DB defense: "I wasn't the intended receiver - I just intercepted it out of habit."
  15. Since it's based on the number of posts (similar to number of games played) instead of number of years, maybe they should change "Rookie" to "Practice squad eligible."
  16. Everybody knows That the world is full of stupid people So meet me at the mission at midnight We'll divvy up there
  17. It's a couple of years old, but I still think of it when we discuss Romo's pre-snap reads: https://sports.theonion.com/tony-romo-realizes-he-should-have-used-ability-to-read-1832056460
  18. I guess I should have quoted the highlight reel someone posted earlier in the thread. He made a couple of good catches in there. I know, I know - YouTube scouting. But still...
  19. Speedy, shifty, and a receiving threat too. Nice.
  20. Baby please don't go Baby please don't go Baby please don't go down to New Orleans You know I love you so, baby please don't go.
  21. https://www.newsandguts.com/video/the-suez-canal-one-of-the-most-important-shipping-lanes-in-the-world-is-blocked @ExiledInIllinois would never have let this happen.
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