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Everything posted by WhoTom

  1. Almost ablaze, still you don't feel the heat It takes all you got, just to stay on the beat You say it's a living, we all gotta eat But you're here alone, there's no one to compete If mercy's a business, I wish it for you More than just ashes, when your dreams come true Fire! Fire on the mountain!
  2. People like to quote that as if it were a scientific fact. I'd like to see any one of them survive a year in front of a classroom.
  3. I agree with the first part. Regarding Ralph: he wasn't a great owner, but he was not, by any stretch of the imagination, a PoS.
  4. Not me, but two of my friends (a husband and wife) got Covid last fall. He recovered, she didn't. He got his second vaccine last week and is doing fine.
  5. I updated the post to include the reminder. I'm sure that'll work.
  6. https://www.snopes.com/ap/2021/04/23/nfl-modifies-covid-19-protocols-for-vaccinated-people/ Vaccinated players, coaches, and staff aren't required to go through daily testing. BTW, let's remember this:
  7. Thanks for posting that. Glad to hear he's doing well. Say what you want about him as a QB, but he embraced the community, the team, and the fans.
  8. Quadrophenia: one guy with four personalities. (Loot at the mirrors.)
  9. May The Schwartz be with us. Wade's is a close second.
  10. Call me (call me) on the line Call me, call me any, anytime Call me (call me) I'll arrive You can call me any day or night Call me
  11. It's good to be prepared for emergencies.
  12. Taking two steps (i.e. the football move) while in possession of the ball completes the catch.
  13. The pragmatist in me wants to chastise the OP for posting an 8-minute video without giving approximate time-stamps of the two events in question. But the fan in me watched the whole video with a giant grin (twice!), so screw my inner pragmatist. 🙂 To the point, though, in both of Gabe's TDs in that vid, he took at least two steps after the catch before releasing the ball, and it was pretty clear that he was tossing, not bobbling the ball. I don't think it's a problem.
  14. How long before bobcat hurling becomes a new fad?
  15. WhoTom

    4/20 playlist

    Allegedly, back in the 70s, a group of students used to gather at 4:20PM to get high. The number 420 became a "secret code" for smoking weed, which got extrapolated into any version of 420, including the date 4/20. If we were in Europe, the date would be irrelevant, since they put the day before the month (i.e. 20/04/2021).
  16. Obviously, this only applies to fans of other teams...
  17. WhoTom

    4/20 playlist

  18. Seems appropriate for today...
  19. I'm glad the Giants didn't know that a few years ago.
  20. We got our second shots (Pfizer) on Saturday. Side-effects (all-over body aches, general listlessness) were most pronounced the next day. A couple of Ibuprofens helped. We feel much better today.
  21. Oh, Barbara Ann Take my hand Barbara Ann You got me rockin' and a rollin' Rockin' and a reelin' Barbara Ann Ba-Ba-Ba-Barbara Ann
  22. For a car we bought about twelve years ago, we used the research tool at cars.com to determine the best makes/models for our needs. We took a few test drives at local dealerships and then we searched for the same model at dealership websites within 100 miles of us. Many had low-price guarantees where they'd beat other dealerships' best offers, so my wife printed out the lowest offer, which was from a dealer about 100 miles away. We went to a closer dealer, who beat the offer by $50. We still have that car - our son drives it most of the time. When he moves out, we're giving it to him. (Otherwise, I would have sold it, since my wife and I don't need two cars anymore.) For the car we bought five years ago, we did something similar, although the price-match didn't apply because the car was (technically) used. It was a "program car" - one that a company had leased for a year and only put 1800 miles on it. It was about $6k less than a brand new one of the same model. For $150, we transferred the original warranty, so for all practical purposes, we got a new car at a big discount.
  23. If I ever start a bluegrass band, I'm calling it "Untipped Decorated Cow."
  24. Reason the poor girls love him Promise them everything Why they all believe him? He wears a big diamond ring
  25. If I don't recognize the number, I don't answer. If you answer a robocall, it lets them know your number is legit, so it keeps you on their calling list (even if you signed up for the "Do Not Call" list.) One recently ignored telemarketer (not a robot) left a message that you can file under irony: he was pitching a pest control service. I almost wish I would have answered, because I would have asked, "Do you have anything that repels telemarketers?" #StopBuggingMe
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