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Everything posted by WhoTom

  1. Dammit! Now I can't un-see that.
  2. Cliff's Notes version: He spent 12 minutes answering questions about Covid protocol and 2 minutes saying Josh would start on Saturday, and most of the starters would get some playing time. He was noncommittal about how much time each player would get.
  3. Agreed. All the more reason for Cole to mask up. He's being fined for not wearing a mask.
  4. I get home at five o’clock, and I take myself out a nice, cold beer. Always seem to be wond’rin’ why there’s nothin’ goin’ down here.
  5. TIL that Albert Einstein was a real person. Before, I thought he was just a theoretical physicist.
  6. Let there be songs To fill the air
  7. I know you, rider, gonna miss me when I'm gone I know you, rider, gonna miss me when I'm gone Gonna miss your baby, from rolling in your arms
  8. https://www.bbc.com/news/entertainment-arts-58316842
  9. Yes, because Joe Sixpack doing a five-minute Google search can reveal far more information than a legion of professionals with billion-dollar budgets working with a knowledge base that's been accumulated and refined for decades.
  10. Sorry, Bro. NoCanDo.
  11. I think of it as more of a partnership than one guy being above the other, but I do agree that McD says, "This is what I need" and Beane gets it for him. I'm guessing Sean says, "Get me a guy with these characteristics" and Beane finds the best one available that he can reasonable acquire. I doubt the coach gets directly involved in player scouting or choosing a particular guy, though.
  12. She's a witch of trouble in electric blue, In her own mad mind she's in love with you. With you. Now what you gonna do? Strange brew Kill what's inside of you.
  13. They're not going to fire a proven HC who just took the team to the AFCCG just so they can promote a hot OC who may or may not pan out as a HC. That's like letting a franchise QB go in his prime because you just drafted a great young QB. But even if they entertained the idea, think about it from Daboll's perspective. What message does it send when the HC position is so tenuous that they'd let him walk in order to prevent a coordinator from leaving. Would you want to work for that organization? Think of the big picture, man.
  14. I watched the live stream on Game Pass. Chicago announcers, but they were very complimentary about Mitch and the Bills. No bitterness towards Trubisky, no "Where was this guy for the past 4 years?" or anything like that. Also, no bashing of Nagy or suggestions that he's on the hot seat. As far as fans calling for Daboll to replace Nagy, it would be ironic, if not awkward, if he got the gig and brought Trubisky there with him.
  15. The lunatic is in my head The lunatic is in my head You raise the blade, you make the change You re-arrange me 'til I'm sane You lock the door And throw away the key There's someone in my head but it's not me
  16. What was the shortest hosting gig in history?
  17. The secret to me, It ain't flown on a flag I carry it behind This bleedin' little badge What says, Bell Boy! I've gotta get runnin' now Bell Boy! Keep my lip buttoned down Bell Boy! Carry this baggage out Bell Boy! Always running at someone's heel
  18. My Dad was a casual sports fan. The Indians and Browns were the regional teams, and both teams were good ... before my time. I came of age in the early 70s, and while I did cheer for the Cleveland teams like Dad (and my older siblings), it was more likely that there'd be a Mets or Bills game on TV. I became a four-season fan (Bills, Braves, Mets, Sabres), but lost interest in the NBA after the Braves left. By the time I had a driver's license and a job, school, work, and a social life took precedence, especially when I went away to college, so sports went on the back burner. (I did watch the Mets win the '86 World Series when I was in grad school.) Got married in '88, and in '89, we moved to the Midwest for a job. By that point, I hardly ever watched sports. When the Bills made their first Super Bowl, I had to watch. Every year after that, I'd watch them when they were on TV, which wasn't a lot. In '98, when the Magic Flutie took over, my interest was rekindled. Got DirecTV in '99 and thanks to Sunday Ticket, I suffered through the entire drought, game by game. Now I find myself on a Bills message board, pretty much every day.
  19. It says he's human and makes mistakes occasionally. On the other hand, the fact that neither player is here anymore says the coach who drafted and started them is smart enough to acknowledge his mistake, correct it, and move forward.
  20. Table crashing is dumb, no doubt, but at least it doesn't infringe on someone else's right to enjoy the game. It's not cool to have a fight break out nearby.
  21. I can't complain, but sometimes I still do Life's been good to me so far
  22. The streaming option for college students is Sunday Ticket via DTV, just without the dish and without the monthly DTV subscription to all the other channels. The guy Giuseppe was responding to suggested that there are free ways to get the games. I think we're all aware of those - I did it for a year, and the issues are ease of use, quality, and reliability.
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