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Everything posted by WhoTom

  1. Jerry is a respected elder and a defensive leader, no doubt, but Josh is the true leader of the team. I do agree, though, that Jerry doesn't need a "C" on his jersey to be a leader. I remember speaking to the president of the college where I taught. He said something that never occurred to me but made a lot of sense: "You don't need an official title to be a leader."
  2. I ran down to the levee But the Devil caught me there He took my twenty dollar bill And he vanished in the air Side note to newcomers: the instructions from the OP are "Respond to the previous poster," not quote some random earlier post.
  3. I'm pretty sure it's the game of the week in most places - barring regional coverage, which isn't an issue in this case - so anyplace should have it on the local CBS channel.
  4. Sitting and staring out of the hotel window Got a tip, they're gonna kick the door in again I'd like to get some sleep before I travel But if you got a warrant, I guess you're gonna come in
  5. You say the hill's too steep to climb Chiding You say you'd like to see me try Climbing You pick the place and I'll choose the time And I'll climb the hill in my own way
  6. "We heard what you said."
  7. Take me back Carry me back Down to gasoline alley Where I started from
  8. I doubt that owning an NFL team is a great investment as far as profits. To make money, invest in the stock market. With only 32 teams, NFL ownership is simply a status symbol for the uber-wealthy. Nonetheless, owners want to maximize whatever profits they can glean from whatever sources are available. As others have mentioned, the current stadium simply won't last much longer, so a new stadium is necessary. They'll max out the luxury suites and raise ticket prices to recoup some of the cost, and they'll ask the taxpayers to foot the rest of the bill. Maybe they'll never recover the entire cost, but that's the price of owning a status symbol.
  9. "Outside of a dog, a book is a man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read." - Groucho Marx
  10. Slip kid, slip kid, second generation And I'm a soldier at thirteen Slip kid, slip kid, realization There's no easy way to be free
  11. I'm guessing he would've been okay with them moving to Toronto a few years ago, in order to get more out of the team's revenue-sharing. Now, he's got a financial stake in the new stadium and he knows the Pegulas have strong ties to WNY, so he's content to scoop up the money from the stadium deal and still look like the good guy who roots for the underdog city.
  12. I watch every Bills game. I watch every Packers game that doesn't conflict with a Bills game. (I adopted them as my secondary team back in the Favre years.) Other games depend on the match-up, the game's potential impact on the Bills, and whether I have anything better to do at the time.
  13. Change, nothin' stays the same Unchained, and ya hit the ground runnin'
  14. True, but we also don't want to watch Joe Backup play because Joe Starter was sidelined, especially if it's due to a non-football issue that Joe Starter could have prevented.
  15. I'm not sure how the original studio ending went, but here's a live fade-out of sorts. It ends around the 2:32:30 mark.
  16. Every Saturday night I felt the fever grow Do ya know what it's like All revved up with no place to go
  17. That's redundant.
  18. That's exactly was it was for me. I had DTV with ST for many years, but DTV kept raising the rates and there was rarely anything on that we wanted to watch, so I cut the cord three years ago when i semi-retired. Did the pirate streams for two years - first year was nearly flawless, but things got sketchy in the second year. Last year, I used my son's college email address to get the ST streaming package and they auto-renewed it for this year. The app works great on my Firestick, so I can watch the games on the big screen.
  19. From his first game, I always thought Josh had Favre-like qualities - even the recklessness. The big difference is that Josh tempered his recklessness, where Favre didn't.
  20. I had just dropped my son off at Kindergarten and was headed to campus to teach my morning class. Listening to NPR, I heard that a plane crashed into the WTC. I figured it was a small private plane. When I got to campus, the lab tech and my dean were in the tech's office watching the news. One tower had fallen and the other was on fire. By then, everyone knew it was a terrorist attack. My dean said, "Tom, the world will never be the same again." My first thought was my sister-in-law (wife's sister), who worked near the WTC. I called her, but all the lines were tied up. I went to my first class, we held a moment of silence for the victims, and I said, "If any of your loved ones are in that area, I hope they're safe." I asked if anyone wanted to talk about it, but the students just wanted to have class to take their minds off of it for a while. That was the most difficult lecture I ever gave. My wife was taking classes at another college; she was on her way there when she heard the news and, of course, also thought of her sister. That night, SIL called to let us know that she was okay. Turned out that she was running late that morning. She got off the subway near the WTC, heard screaming, and saw the first building on fire. She knew something was seriously wrong and decided that walking (or running) home was her best option; just as she turned, the second plane hit. She got home a couple of hours later. I just remember being in a funk for several days after. I couldn't, and still can't, fathom the amount of hatred that would cause someone to commit such an atrocity.
  21. I need a love to keep me happy I need a love to keep me happy Baby, baby keep me happy Baby, baby keep me happy
  22. Interesting. I ran across this opinion piece last night and thought about starting a thread, but it seems appropriate here. He talks about stadium financing around the 4:00 mark:
  23. So follow me, it's good for you That good old fashioned medicated goo Ooo, ain't it good for you? My own homegrown recipe'll see you through
  24. Well, what can a poor boy do Except to sing for a rock 'n' roll band? 'Cause in sleepy London town There's just no place for a street fighting man
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