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Everything posted by WhoTom

  1. During the drought: The Bills make me wanna SHOUT (profanities) SHOUT (drop F-bombs) SHOUT ("WTF") SHOUT ("WTF") ...
  2. So I went to the doctor, see what he could give me. He said, son, son you've gone too far, 'Cause smokin' an trippin' is all that you do.
  3. Good, but the football should just be labeled "Wings."
  4. Yeah, the Patrick Price, the Rodgers Rate, and Gronk trying to weasel in on the insurance for veterans are all pretty annoying. These guys make more money in a single season than most people make in their entire careers. Car insurance rates are the last thing they need to worry about.
  5. In the mornin' you go gunnin' for the man who stole your water And you fire 'til he is done in but they catch you at the border And the mourners are all singin' as they drag you by your feet But the hangman isn't hangin' and they put you on the street You go back, Jack, do it again, wheel turnin' 'round and 'round You go back, Jack, do it again
  6. I don't scream or yell, but I will mutter an S-bomb or F-bomb when something bad happens, or a "WTF?" when someone makes a boneheaded play or an official makes a lousy call.
  7. Wish that I was on ol' Rocky Top Down in the Tennessee hills Ain't no smoggy smoke on Rocky Top Ain't no telephone bills Once I had a girl on Rocky Top Half bear, other half cat Wild as a mink, but sweet as soda pop I still dream about that
  8. Just wait until you hear about the team from Washington. 😉
  9. Agree in general. To your last point, Beane has been patient when it comes to acquiring players. He's had plenty of holes to fill, and he's filling them with the best affordable guys at those positions as they become available. That includes free agents and draft picks. I think it's just that D-line options fitting those criteria were scarce until now - nice timing, since it happened to be the most significant need going into this season. You're right that the D-line has been his biggest struggle, but I'm not sure if that's a weakness on his part or if he just played the cards he was dealt. Given the outcome, and the way he's managed to acquire, draft, and keep good players, I'm inclined to think the latter.
  10. Turkey on mustard is good. But the diet bread totally invalidates your opinion on PBJs. I agree with you on the grilled cheese, though, and tomato soup is great if it's homemade - not that disgusting Campbell's stuff. I forgot to add, I often sprinkle crumbled chips (tortilla, potato, Sun Chips, etc.) into my PBJ. The saltiness complements the sweetness of the jam and the crunchiness adds texture. Also goes well on a grilled cheese.
  11. There are some things you never outgrow; a PBJ is one of those things. Before I started working from home, PBJ was my go-to lunch sandwich. I got tired of lunchmeats, so unless there were some dinner leftovers that sounded good, I packed a PBJ, a cup of yogurt, and a piece of fruit. Now I often have PB&J on toast or an English muffin for breakfast.
  12. WhoTom


    A rock and roll variation of a classic comedy routine:
  13. For my first two careers, my bosses weren't capable of doing my job, which made it easy to avoid micromanagement issues. Not that they didn't try - at one point I had a manager who was bugging me about a timeline. This project was late before I got involved, and I was the only person in the company with the right skills to work on it. (The previous engineer who started the project left on short notice, due to the boss being a jerk.) I looked at my boss and said, "Can you do this?" He said no, so I added, "Then let me get to work and it'll be done that much sooner." He left me alone and never bugged me again. Funny thing is that I was also looking for another job; I got an offer six months later, which I took. My second career was college professor, which was, at the time, pretty autonomous. I retired when that started to change. In my current career as a freelance writer, I had one client who micromanaged everything. I eventually dropped that client, even though the contract was pretty lucrative. My other clients just give me a project and some loose guidelines and let me run with it, which is what I like.
  14. Strawberry jam (not jelly) is my favorite, with blueberry jam coming in second. Peach is fine, too. Grape jelly goes in the oriole feeder. And for the record, my favorite ice cream is Death by Chocolate.
  15. As a kid, I remember sitting around a bonfire and someone had one of those utensils that could toast a sandwich over a fire. They made us toasted PB and M&M sandwiches, which blew my mind. Since then, I've grilled the occasional PB and chocolate chip sandwich.
  16. Hopefully, Frazier is smart enough to stay away from that tire fire.
  17. I have a cousin who moved to Boston many years ago and eventually became a bandwagon Pats* fan. She claims that the officials were always biased against them. Emotion is the gatekeeper of the intellect. People can be very delusional when reality conflicts with their passionate beliefs.
  18. Once I lived the life of a millionaire, Spent all my money, I just did not care. Took all my friends out for a good time, Bought bootleg liquor, champagne and wine.
  19. I remember a George Carlin routine about listening to baseball on the Spanish channel. I can't find a recording of it though. Anyone else remember that?
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