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Everything posted by WhoTom

  1. We did a lot more when our son was young than we do now, and I'm glad we did - we have a lot of great memories of those times. One annual tradition was going to a tree farm and cutting our own tree. Yeah, it's three times as much as the same kind of tree from a parking lot sale, but I consider it money well spent for the experience. (And the tree farm had an indoor cafe that served coffee, hot cocoa, etc., and a lot of kiddie displays, which add to the experience.) Since he outgrew that ritual, we just started buying $25 grocery-store trees, although we've forgone the traditional tree altogether for the past two years. Last year, my wife trimmed a few branches from a spruce tree in our yard. She made a nice indoor arrangement and we decorated it with lights and a few ornaments that hold sentimental value. This year she got a mini-spruce (tabletop - about a foot tall) that won't hold decorations, so I just put up some lights around the windows and set out a few ornaments and other decorations. It's a modest display, but we're all happy with it.
  2. Christmas has become over-commercialized and completely antithetical to the person whose birth we're supposedly celebrating. Frankly, I'm kinda tired of it by Thanksgiving. With that said, I do enjoy putting up a tree and decorating the house with a few reminders of my childhood Christmases ... and a handful of Bills ornaments. My wife, son, and I aren't really materialistic, so we don't go overboard on presents. We enjoy a fairly quiet Christmas at home, as we rarely go back to WNY to visit our families in the wintertime anymore. (Wife and I are both from WNY.)
  3. Like I told you, What I said, Steal your face right off your head
  4. A little holiday humor:
  5. I don't know if it was Motor or the o-line, but whatever they did to improve the running game, keep it up.
  6. Because they got their asses chewed out and they "turned out okay."
  7. I asked Bobby Dylan I asked The Beatles I asked Timothy Leary But he couldn't help me either They call me The Seeker
  8. Yeah, runnin' down a dream That never would come to me Workin' on a mystery Goin' wherever it leads Runnin' down a dream
  9. I think it's safe to say that anyone not named Brady has a legit beef with NFL officiating.
  10. The day may come when a Pats* win would definitely help the Bills, but it is not this day, my friends. It is not this day.
  11. Congrats!
  12. My gut feeling is that they're in "Protect the Shield" mode, wanting to avoid a PR nightmare if they looked the other way while the virus spread. Smart business people know how to balance short-term profit and PR. At least, I hope so.
  13. I think the criteria will change as more data about the Omicron variant comes in. As long as they're following the science, then I'm cool with whatever changes they make.
  14. So you're saying that shooting up with heroin is no worse than doing a bong hit? C'mon, man.
  15. I'm on the fence regarding Daboll. On one hand, I think he was instrumental in bringing Josh up to speed much faster than anyone anticipated, through play design and play-calling. On the other hand, it seems like he may have reached a plateau in the play-calling department, but I can't be sure if it's the plays or the execution. Either way, I don't know whether Dorsey would be better, but with his elevation to passing game coordinator, it does appear that he's being groomed for the OC position. I'll trust McD to make the right call on that, if and when the time comes.
  16. One of them cowboys, he starts to draw, I shot him down Lord, he never saw, Shot me another, oh damn he won't grow old In the confusion, my uncle grabbed the gold, And we hightailed it down to Mexico.
  17. Well I might as well go on over yonder Way back up on the hill (I got something to do) Lord, I might as well go back over yonder Way back yonder 'cross the hill 'Cause if my baby don't love me no more I know her sister will!
  18. The "Live Free or Die" state. Right.
  19. That's how it was, but in 2015, the league dropped its non-profit status. https://www.cbssports.com/nfl/news/nfl-ends-tax-exempt-status-after-73-years-3-things-to-know/
  20. My friend, my friend he's got a knife A statement from his former life When he was easy but alone Beside him was an empty throne
  21. First the Jags and now the Jets. Looks like they're working their way up to someday seeing professional football in London.
  22. A dream, it's true But I'd see it through If I could be Wasting my time with you
  23. Then somewhere near Salinas, Lord, I let her slip away Lookin' for the home I hope she'll find And I'd trade all my tomorrows for a single yesterday Holdin' Bobby's body next to mine
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