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Everything posted by WhoTom

  1. I agree with him on the need to build connections - I was just referring to the analytics comment.
  2. Well, she was just seventeen And you know what I mean And the way she looked was way beyond compare So how could I dance with another? (Oh) When I saw her standing there?
  3. Let's go outside Let's go outside Let's go outside our minds and play
  4. I'm sensing a "retire or be fired" situation here.
  5. I don't know - I get an "old man yells at cloud" feeling from his little tirade. He creates a false dichotomy with respect to analytics by assuming that the only thing the coach looks at is the spreadsheet. I'm sure they're taking into consideration the weather conditions, how the offense and defense are playing, who's on the other side of the ball, etc. It's not an either/or between those factors and analytics - they're just adding the analytics to the equation. Back in my day, we didn't dis other coaches. 🙂
  6. Can you feel it in the shadows? Watching you, touching you Changing you into a mad dog. Howling at the moon.
  7. Good points. To add to those examples, baseball had a separate league for Blacks until "woke politics" allowed Jackie Robinson into MLB to break the racial barrier. NFL players of different races weren't allowed to share a hotel room for road games until the "woke" Brian Piccolo and Gayle Sayres did it anyways. As Hank Aaron was approaching Babe Ruth's HR record, he needed a police escort whenever he left his house. Like any form of entertainment, sports have been used to get a message across, whether it's political, social, or otherwise. In that respect, it's no different than film, literature, and visual art.
  8. I laid a divorcée in New York City I had to put up some kind of a fight The lady, then, she covered me with roses She blew my nose and then she blew my mind
  9. Eh - tickets are only $8. A couple of hot meals and a Wegman's card seems like a better deal.
  10. What goes up must come down Spinnin' wheel, got to go round Talkin' 'bout your troubles, it's a cryin' sin Ride a painted pony, let the spinnin' wheel spin
  11. Out in the woods Or in the city It's all the same to me When I'm driving free The world's my home When I'm mobile
  12. Canadian engineers designed and built the Shuttle Remote Manipulator System. That seemed to work okay. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canadarm
  13. That depends. I certainly agree that natural remedies that work are preferable to lab-borne pharmaceuticals, but there are some things that nature doesn't treat/prevent/cure. As with anything, use the right tool for the job.
  14. I was in a class once and, I'm not sure how, but Fantasia came up in conversation. Some students said they didn't "get it." The professor replied in an authoritative, professorial tone, "Well, there are ways to see that movie, and there are better ways to see that movie." Half of the class laughed while the others just had puzzled looks on their faces. My wife and I went to see it about 30 years ago, when it was re-released in theaters. She wanted to go, but I had a feeling we'd be the only adults there without a child in tow. I was right. We did put on a nice herbal buzz before the show, though. To the topic, many psychedelics have shown evidence of therapeutic value in treating mental disorders, especially in small doses (microdoses.) It's only because of the insane "War on Drugs" that medical research hasn't been able to explore them to their fullest.
  15. One and only rebel child From a family, meek and mild My Mama seemed to know what lay in store Despite all my Sunday learnin' Towards the bad, I kept on turnin' 'Til Mama couldn't hold me anymore
  16. I'll take a dump in one when camping at a music festival because holding it for three days is pretty uncomfortable. But I try to time it so it's shortly after a cleaning. Luckily, unlike most music fest fans, I'm an early riser and the cleaning trucks usually work early in the mornings.
  17. The distance from Manhattan to Met Life Stadium is shorter than the distance from Buffalo to Highmark. He'd have more success suing Kellogg's because the strawberry Pop-Tarts don't have enough strawberries.
  18. In spite of Rodgers' douchbaggery, I still have the Pack as my NFC team. I root for the team, not the player, and GB is the most "Buffalo-like" team and atmosphere - small market, rabid fan base.
  19. Experts change their minds when new evidence warrants it. That's how science works.
  20. I haven't seen any reports of The Who doing that, but I know in the early days, the record companies held all the rights. It's possible that Happy Jack in the Hummer commercial wasn't Pete's decision, but I do know that he's defended his decision to allow some songs to be used for TV themes (CSI and Who Are You, e.g.) and commercials. He simply said, "I'm glad you like the songs, and now a new generation will be exposed to them."
  21. Angie, Angie When will those clouds all disappear? Angie, Angie Where will it lead us from here?
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