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Everything posted by WhoTom

  1. Wish that I was on ol' Rocky Top Down in the Tennessee hills Ain't no smoggy smoke on Rocky Top Ain't no telephone bills
  2. If I go crazy, then will you still call me Superman? If I'm alive and well, will you be there and holding my hand?
  3. The so-called "outliers" to which I'm referring are educated professionals with stable careers. Neither of the studies cited above looked at other factors like socioeconomic status. Most of the studies that I've read have concurred that a two-parent household is, in general, the best situation. I don't deny that. But they've also concluded that it depends on other variables that often accompany single motherhood: low education levels and income, no support structure, etc. A lot of society's problems are caused by poverty. Some single parents have to work long hours to survive - hence the "latchkey kids" issue. But that's also true in two-parent households where both parents have to work. So while I agree that a two-parent household offers the highest probability of successful children, it's not a guarantee, just as single parenting doesn't guarantee failure.
  4. One of those studies says this:
  5. Ah, the myth of the Cleaver family. News flash: not all fathers are Ward Cleaver. I know several families in which the father is a loser but the wife stays "for the sake of the kids." Maybe they got married too young, maybe they got married because of an unplanned pregnancy, or whatever. In those cases, the kids are much better off without their father. Back in the "good old days," those women would be chastised for leaving a marriage - even a bad one, and even if the guy was beating on the kids. What kids need are good role models, regardless of gender. I know a single mother whose 17-year-old son is a great kid. He studies hard, plays hockey, plays violin, and is a genuinely compassionate person, as is his mother. I know many divorced women raising their kids on their own because the fathers were jerks. Most have well-adjusted children - certainly better off than they'd be if their fathers were at home. Love, respect, work ethic, compassion - those are family values that any decent person can teach to their children. There's no need to go back to 1950 to find family values.
  6. Got a '56 Cadillac With a spare tire on the back Got a charge account in my ol' bank Said, I ain't got you
  7. Also, the correct pronunciation emphasizes the first syllable: URanus, which makes you think it may have the scent of liquid excrement. Well, the planet's atmosphere does contain methane.
  8. Nothing to say, nothing to hear Nothing to see Each sensation makes a note In my symphony
  9. Where, oh where, are you tonight? Why did you leave me here all alone? I searched the world over and I thought I'd found true love. But you met another and pthhp! you was gone.
  10. A little penicillin will clear that up.
  11. "Let me check my calendar, honey." [Checks Google calendar which is synced with the Bills' calendar.] "How about Friday instead?"
  12. The telephone is ringing You got me on the run I'm driving in my car now Anticipating fun
  13. Frank's was the original wing sauce, created by Frank and Teressa Bellissimo, the owners of The Anchor Bar in the 60s and 70s - the place that put wings on everyone's radar. They created the sauce in their kitchen, not a lab like Heinz 57.
  14. Oh, let me flow into the ocean Yeah, let me get back to the sea Let me be stormy and let me be calm Let the tide in, and set me free
  15. Some of my favorites have already been mentioned, but I'll add these, off the top of my head: - Rev. Jim from Taxi - Dr. Johnny Fever from WKRP - Col. Potter from M*A*S*H - Ed Norton from The Honeymooners - Happy from Scorpion - Lisa Simpson from The Simpsons
  16. We buy frozen wings when they're on sale. They're very large and have the skin on. Since I grill or air fry, I leave the skin on so the fat keeps in the moisture. I've been thawing them, coating them with Frank's, and grilling them. The key is to take them off the grill, add a fresh coat of Frank's, and put them back on the grill for a few minutes. They crisp up nicely without sauce dripping from them. A meat thermometer tells you when they're just right so they don't overcook and dry out. Last week I tried air-frying them. Our oven has an air-fry setting (basically, an air-fryer is a convection oven), so I set it for 400F. First, I parboiled the wings to cook them through. This also takes out some of the fat when you drain the water. Then I coated them with Frank's and stuck them in the oven for about 10 minutes. Since the leftover sauce didn't touch raw meat, it can be used as a dipping sauce. (Blue Cheese is for celery and carrot strips, not wings.) I like this method and when grilling season is back, I plan to parboil them before coating and grilling.
  17. Ah - I was looking at my PC. According to the NFL app on my tablet, it will be available to watch live. Looks like I'm watching it on the tablet. Thanks!
  18. That says "Listen at 8:00 PM." My NFL+ shows this for live upcoming games:
  19. Well, he did throw a pass that resulted in a TD ...
  20. I know about Irsay's antics. I thought the smiley face would make it obvious that I was joking about his higher standard of behavior.
  21. Those are league suspensions; this is a team suspension. Apparently, Irsay has established a higher standard of behavior than that of the NFL. 🙂
  22. Even more obnoxious is, "Thiiiiiiiiiiiiiiirrrrrrrrrrrrrddddddddd Dooooooooowwwwwwwwwwnnnnnnnnnn!"
  23. "T" formation? When I played o-line (grade school), our running plays were like T23 (T formation, #2 back through the #3 hole) and I-35 (I formation, #3 back through the #5 hole).
  24. Got a feeling twenty-one is gonna be a good year Especially if you and me see it in together I had no reason to be over-optimistic But somehow, when you smiled I could brave bad weather
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