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Everything posted by jlgarsh

  1. it’d have to be pretty egregious, intentional, and repetitive behavior to warrant a fine/suspension. People make mistakes. Replay reviews that get it wrong like the Kroft INT or rules selectively enforced like the wildcard game in Houston bother me way more than missing a call in real time. Still don’t get how they missed the helmet to helmet on Allen when they called the incomplete pass a fumble, prior to the overturning on replay. I get that they can’t call it based on the review, but it seemed clear to me in real time.
  2. Edmunds made a couple really nice plays yesterday, and definitely seems healthy finally.
  3. They should have moved the game to Monday, as a safety issue for Hinton. Luckily he didn’t get killed back there, since he wasn’t even able to practice at QB. I give him a lot of credit for the effort. I hope they let him get some reps at WR in the next couple weeks as a thank you.
  4. If she’s a goalie, wouldn’t punting be closer to her wheelhouse than kicking off a tee?
  5. The 8-0 game might have been worse. They’re playing better with Alex Smith running the offense. He’s the ultimate game manager, and can shake off mistakes. For him to not just be on the field, but to have started and won 2 games so far this year is amazing. With Dak out, I’d bet on Smith in the next 5 weeks over Wentz, Jones, or Dalton.
  6. Caldwell had them going in the right direction at 36-28 in 4 years. Patricia was like 13-29 or thereabouts. The mistake was getting rid of a solid coach for a joke. Lynn had multiple opportunities to kick a FG and get within 7, and went for it instead. That’s a fail of coaching 101
  7. He’s Kordell Stewart 2020. But I think Kodell was a much better passer. He floated some that were badly under thrown. I think his arm is weaker than Brees, even though Brees doesn’t throw deep much at all anymore.
  8. Hill should have had a TD pass a few minutes ago but Michael Thomas dropped a well thrown ball that hit him in the hands. He’s had some good throws and terrible ones today, but that was a brutal drop by Thomas.
  9. Hope she feels better soon! I got one in 9th grade gym class and was loopy for a couple weeks
  10. I was surprised no one tried to grab Hopkins arm. They never call DPI on a hail Mary.
  11. There were multiple coaching and execution failures in the last 34 seconds. 1. Prevent defense instead of pressuring Murray. Who cares if he completes passes over them idle with 0 timeouts left? 2. Calling timeout with 11 seconds left, which gave AZ more time to prep. 3. Not trying to swat the ball away on the Hail Mary 4. On the kickoff, there were 2 seconds left. If they recovered the squib without trying to advance it, would have had 1 second to try their own Hail Mary, instead of an idiotic lateral out of bounds. Dead serious, this was absolutely pathetic.
  12. Here’s my question: every time they run the hurry-up offense this season, they move the ball at will. Why don’t they just keep running it? What was that, a 12 yard punt????
  13. They’ve done a good job containing Murray overall. Harder to do at the 2 yard line.
  14. Mel Kiper Jr was one of the only draft guys who never wavered on Josh, even getting into it with McShay at the draft after his rookie year.
  15. The fact he said he was the Truth in basketball is fantastic. So Paul Pierce style on the court? Awesome
  16. Peyton was the best at it, but Josh is pretty good
  17. I still think Buffalo will pull it out, but I'm concerned with our game planning/in-game decision making. Taking a TO on the FG attempt made 0 sense, and the offense looks totally out of sync again
  18. Is Diggs mad at himself or Josh? He's raging on the sideline
  19. two took TDS off. Davis and Beasley, though Beasley’s should have been DPI for pushing him out of bounds
  20. And it's not even close. Maybe if Lorax decides to play again then the Bills would have a better shot on D. Liked that Hughes played well in the 2nd half. He was like in the first half he was regular Steve Roger's, and took the supersoldier serum at halftime
  21. Where was the illegal formation? I didn't catch that as it was happening
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