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Everything posted by jlgarsh

  1. Here's the exchange with Hughes and Beasley. It looks like they worked it out since then.
  2. He did. Saw it earlier and had to close the app. Almost threw my phone
  3. Wasn't that Trent Dilfer's QB camp too? They were on with Rich Eisen talking about it right? That's a great clip!
  4. 64% of adults have received at least 1 dose of the vaccine. Your statement is incorrect
  5. It seems like he's intent on lighting his reputation on fire. Yes, some people support him, but the majority don't, since 64% of adults have taken at least one dose. Digging in and saying you're not going to wear a mask or get vaccinated is a PR nightmare.
  6. I wasn't allowed to come back to the office without proof uploaded. That's more strict than what the NFL is saying. It depends on the employer, but the NFL is within its rights to do the same
  7. This was really disrespectful of Cole. Healthcare workers have been heroes the past 15 months. My best friend’s mom lost her friend (who was a nurse) to Covid, that she got while caring for patients at the hospital. My office reopened Wednesday, and in order to be let in the door, I had to upload a copy of my vaccination card. I could still work remote, but I like having the option to work both places. His employer is giving him a choice, albeit with different protocols depending on that choice. I can understand why someone undergoing chemo, or who is pregnant, or otherwise immune compromised having concerns, and checking with their doctor and deciding not to get the shot. As a society, everyone able to get the shot should do so, to help protect people unable to. I really hope McDermott and Beane have a heart to heart with him about it, because it’s going to become a needless distraction for the team. Picking fights with fans is never good for public relations either.
  8. Or they could IR him and see what the DL looks like at the end of the year
  9. I'd put Reid #1 ahead of Daboll. Then everyone else after
  10. If they had rolled with Fitz last year the Dolphins would have made the playoffs
  11. What dead guy? Buddy Nix is still alive. Remember when the crank callers pretended to be the Tampa GM and recorded him saying "the Bills needed to draft a QB since they made a mistake extending Fitz" (or something to that effect). Lol
  12. I hope it’s not true, but I wouldn’t be shocked.
  13. There's precedent for this at least. the Colorado Buffaloes have a live mascot.
  14. Michael Jordan was a better baseball player than Tim Tebow. Didn't Terry Francona manage him and said he would have made the majors? Nor as a star, or every day player, but he would have been worth an MLB roster spot with more time. Fortunately for me as a Bulls fan, he decided to come back to the NBA instead.
  15. Someone may have mentioned this, but didn’t Basham and Rousseau both line up at all 4 D-Line positions? That could make Phillips or Zimmer odd man out.
  16. I don't have a problem with most journalism, but TMZ released photos/the story of the Kobe helicopter crash before they had even notified his wife.
  17. My dad just died Wednesday, from some type of lung infection. Not sure if it was covid or just a side effect of Alzheimer's. All I know is, I got the vaccine ASAP in hopes of being able to travel and see him for the first time in a year, but he passed away the day after my 2nd shot, on my sister's birthday (of all days). He lived in a state where masks aren't mandated and people generally don't want to get vaccinated. I'm glad Erie county is taking this position, since a crowd of 70,000 people could spread covid like wildfire. Either way, no one I know who's been vaccinated has had many side effects, other than a couple people with a 24 hour fever. But that's better than hospitalization or death...
  18. I'm all for as many fans in the stands as possible, and think by the time the season starts, we'll be there as a nation. That doesn't mean that having 38,000 together right now is a good idea. That's all I was trying to say. If 3m people keep going per day until we get to 70-75%, we should get there even sooner. I'd love to go to a game this season!
  19. They did that despite warnings that it was a terrible idea. I'm pretty sure after their opening series, they're going back to reduced capacity.
  20. I'm not saying it's legit, just sharing what I saw. By 5pm we'll know if fake.
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