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Everything posted by jlgarsh

  1. They needed to go for 2 so they didn't need a TD at the end
  2. Wasting a TO on a horrible challenge and another in the red zone was inexcusable
  3. Why do they run up the middle on 1st down every time????? Trash coaching
  4. 1st and goal at the 6 and you don't run a bootleg for Josh????
  5. Yes. The could have gotten the ball back with a minute left. The Pats don't trust Jones to throw tonight. Why wouldn't they try to double Dip and make it a 2 score game? They're calling a Pop Warner offense instead of the 2021 Bills.
  6. That was embarrassing clock management. What a disgrace
  7. McDermott will never get this team to a SuperBowl win without some major adjustments in game time decisions
  8. This team is trash right now. Overpursuing to the point where RBs have huge holes and acting like we're a pop Warner offense instead of trying to pass
  9. Why running with Singletary to the outside again???? Drives me insane
  10. If Fitz had played the full year with TO, he’d have had a monster year. I remember his splits from games started by Edwards vs Fitz and it was eye opening.
  11. Rousseau has been good against the run and almost had a 2nd tipped pass interception against the Saints.
  12. Can they ever pass protect on 3rd down? Just once on 3rd and 10+ it'd be nice for Josh to have 3 seconds to find an open guy
  13. Why don't they put Gilliam in to block so Breida can catch out of the backfield? Two RB/3WR is an acceptable formation, last time I checked? It's just crazy they keep doing the same stuff that doesn't work over and over
  14. I just thought both FG calls were bad with how awful the weather was. Seemed like they were playing for a FG instead of TD before halftime and 49 yards in the rain is tough too. Just awful all around.
  15. Maybe one who will hold people accountable would be nice? We see the same mistakes week after week
  16. Or Arians, or a few other coaches. The team is failing at basic fundamentals
  17. At this point, I'm wondering if the team needs a wakeup call. Like when the Ravens brought in Caldwell as OC mid-season and won the Superbowl, or when Pat Riley took over the Heat who were underperformed and led them to a title with Wade and Shaq. (Or Phil Jackson in for Doug Collins). Something isn't connecting right now, and the whole is way less than the sum of the parts.
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