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Everything posted by SlimShady'sSpaceForce

  1. TBH. I PREFER it that way. Pete Prisco- is SOLD. Pick: Bills 35, Ravens 30
  2. What good does that prove when they played half a team?
  3. look 2 posts up. id like to say I searched hard to find those. Now I swear I will have to watch his face closely from now on. Oops never mind
  4. https://www.espn.com/nfl/story/_/id/34697292/new-england-patriots-rule-qb-mac-jones-brian-hoyer-set-start New England Patriots rule out QB Mac Jones; Brian Hoyer gets start vs. Green Bay Packers
  5. Lamar looks like good passing QB’s because of blown coverages when they over pursue him to keep him contained. Tua has been throwing long high arc passes also because of blown coverages. Hell, I might even say something about Burrow and his 50 yard deep passing his short game looked bad Thursday night The MVP leader has to really mess up to lose that top position IMO. All the contenders will bounce between 2 - 5 th place in voting 🗳️
  6. The only MVP talk I want to see is for the SB. Aarons last imo was Platitudes
  7. https://www.yahoo.com/sports/nfl-claims-concussion-protocols-didnt-fail-tua-tagovailoa-on-sunday-thats-hard-to-believe-after-thursdays-scary-head-injury-051800394.html NFL claims concussion protocols didn’t fail Tua Tagovailoa on Sunday. That’s hard to believe after Thursday’s scary head injury
  8. yet it’s still a day to day decision. id love for him to be 💯
  9. im still trying to understand the meaning 🤷
  10. I was just saying that the NFL clearly doesn’t follow a set plan.
  11. my god how I love those goofballs
  12. Is it wrong to have this much fun posting? 😝
  13. There’s a lot of bondo and paint 🎨 on that. Still 👀 10 years younger hmmmm I might have a chance
  14. I’ve seen players miss 2-3 days and some 2-3 weeks.
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