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Everything posted by SlimShady'sSpaceForce

  1. Is this @BringBackFergy idea? I wander how much $ he's making... LOL Everyone needs to cover their asses legally.
  2. @fansince88 This is how
  3. You have more of an agenda that I do. Let it go. Don't be a Teddy. RE Patrick Mahomes, sure I was just as skeptical about Pat after year 1. He continued to play at a high level in the passing game.
  4. I can say the same to you. I will gladly eat crow if LJ is the GOAT in 5 years. I don't see this repeated gimmick working long term. and please refrain from using the word Agenda. It is sooo untrue. It could. He could be and Time will tell. I don't CROWN players instant successes or failures on a whim. Example .... Faker Mayfield. He Broke Rookie Records IIRC. And last year with "more" weapons.... what happened? Right now my opinion is that LJ is TT 2.0.
  5. yup. They mentioned dropping 2 games some time ago. the Bills Ravens game was said to be dropped and I forgot the other. At that time it was 1 home 1 away I believe
  6. more like Day Tripping
  7. 3) Jackson LOL. Lets see how that turns out in 8 months time
  8. Not argument there. I was just correlating "interest" and the players Clowney will get in before the other 2 no doubt
  9. Seems to be. I've seen as much criticism as praise from Cowherd
  10. Filibuster? Filibuster is a tactic used in the United States Senate to prevent a measure from being brought to a vote by means of obstruction. The most common form occurs when one or more senators attempt to delay or block a vote on a bill by extending debate on the measure. Both parties do it. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) warned Democrats on Tuesday not to mess with the filibuster rule if they win control of the chamber in November. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/mcconnell-warns-democrats-not-to-change-filibuster-rule/ar-BB16ay8C?li=BBnbcA1
  11. These people should have called the Police and not taken matters into their own hands.
  12. thats the name I was looking for... However that woman is Linda Blair Rosie Perez ^
  13. honestly.... I think AB is getting as much attention as Kaep and Clowney. Little to none
  14. Barnwell: Josh Allen needs to evolve for the Bills to take the next step. Can he? He scrambled for 507 yards that season, the most scramble yards for any quarterback in a single season over the past five years. The only players to scramble for more yards than
  15. Funny, Maybe I misread it .... I thought they were walking down the street on the way to the Mayors home. 2. What threat were they under to wave guns at people while yelling at the protesters? Had these lovely people stayed away would they have been "shouted at"? 3. I agree 100% https://www.yahoo.com/news/police-investigating-protesters-confrontation-armed-213607583.html A couple pointed guns at protesters who were on private property outside their home Sunday night, as the demonstrators marched past on their way to St. Louis mayor Lyda Krewson’s residence to demand her resignation. Police are now investigating the incident to determine whether the protesters committed trespassing and fourth-degree assault by intimidation. Mark and Patricia McCloskey stood outside their home on Portland Place, a private street, as hundreds of protesters, some of them armed, marched by and chanted. The McCloskeys had been inside their home when they heard loud activity outside and saw “a large group of subjects forcefully break an iron gate marked with ‘No Trespassing’ and ‘Private Street’ signs,” St. Louis police said. So I guess I need to ask.... Are armed protesters are ONLY allowed by the Republicans?
  16. Ice is a little "Simple" at times, but that doesn't he isn't a nice guy.
  17. HE shares a BDay with Blondie. She's 75 today
  18. I was going to post this yesterday but I got side tracked Dated Yesterday Jun 30, 2020
  19. Right out of the Trump Hand Book for Dummies A white St. Louis lawyer who quickly rose to internet fame this week after he pulled an AR-15 on Black Lives Matter protesters marching near his house told Fox News’ Tucker Carlson on Tuesday night he couldn’t possibly be racist because his Black clients love him. https://www.yahoo.com/news/gun-toting-st-louis-lawyer-021141109.html
  20. You can't Fix Stupid. And this Stupid display may bite them in the ass. https://www.yahoo.com/news/police-investigating-protesters-confrontation-armed-213607583.html Police Investigating Protesters after Confrontation with Armed St. Louis Homeowners The Poster People of the Gun Movement !! LOL Mark and Patricia McCloskey stood outside their home on Portland Place His finger off the trigger. Hers is on the trigger. So What was do threatening to this White Bread couple? File charges, make them go to court and 6 months of Counseling
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