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Everything posted by SlimShady'sSpaceForce

  1. https://www.yahoo.com/sports/early-years-patrick-mahomes-deal-111947062.html Buyouts There was also talk of “guarantee mechanisms” that force the team to make annual decisions to keep Mahomes while guaranteeing more of the money in the later years of his deal. Albert Breer of SI.com has a breakdown of the numbers involved in those decisions. On the third day of the 2021 league year, $40.45 million becomes guaranteed unless the Chiefs cut Mahomes with a $52.25 million buyout. That buyout goes up to $70, $78.4 and $76.85 million over the next three years with just over $80 million becoming guaranteed if he remains on board. In 2025, Mahomes stands to have another $38.9 million guaranteed against a $41.95 million buyout. A $49.4 million roster bonus for 2027 is guaranteed on the third day of the 2026 league year and another $55 million would become guaranteed if he’s on the roster on the third day of the 2027 league year.
  2. doh. it's early and the coffee hadn't done its work. both were over by 2 words.... I was consistent at least
  3. Scratch and Sniff anyone? option 2. It hurts to pee.
  4. I’ve hit 0 deer living in NY for over 40 years and 5 in the foothills of the Blue Ridge mountains of Northern VA in the last 10 years Nothing real bloody but I have seen messes on the highways.
  5. I can imagine the mess before even looking Ok. I was wrong. that was some air time
  6. I gave the big one to my neighbor. She was very pleased. ?
  7. I had the same reaction. I catch bits and pieces when I’m channel surfing
  8. We are always giving neighbors tomatoes ? as there grow in abundance. my neighbor has a squash plant on his front step planter but it just isn’t growing. I told him to move it to the back yard. I gave them a zucchini yesterday.
  9. wait so Aerosmith’s was a cover!!! who knew
  10. And this is why Bills Mafia is such a joke IMO.
  11. Sean Connery He was posted many pages back
  12. I yanked out an 8 inch zucchini and after some digging pulled out an 11 incher
  13. Thanks Don - for encouraging “your “ base to think of this Little Flu, as no big deal and a hoax!!! How many people are dying because of Dons ignorance? The majority of the world had overcome and are on a path to eliminating the threat. MAGA Snake oil salesmen. Dumb ass Don says - Fauci is a bad man and made many mistakes. the mistake was electing a clueless dolt
  14. My first hummingbird bird sighting!! woo hoo
  15. Areas of New York have recorded a nearly 70 per cent rate of immunity to Covid-19, in what scientists have described as “stunning” findings that suggest they could be protected from any second wave. https://www.yahoo.com/news/scientists-hail-stunning-results-show-180918348.html [Edit: I would prefer to re-direct from the Yahoo article, to the less-sensationalistic and more factual NY Times article to which it refers: https://www.nytimes.com/2020/07/09/nyregion/nyc-coronavirus-antibodies.html -The antibody tests were performed at a storefront clinic, "CityMD", between late April and late June -They probably do NOT reflect a random sample of the population in those neighborhoods, since people who believe they had symptoms/were exposed are most likely to seek antibody testing -Huge variation seen neighborhood to neighborhood from 68% to 56% to 17% in wealthier Cobble Hill, Brooklyn Key quotes: "Dr. Ted Long, the executive director of the city’s contact-tracing program, said that while much remained unknown about the strength and duration of the protection that antibodies offer, he was hopeful that hard-hit communities like Corona would have some degree of protection because of their high rate of positive tests. “We hope that that will confer greater herd immunity,” he said." That's not quite "scientists hail STUNNING results". It's very hopeful for those people in poor neighborhoods who had to work in order to eat, maybe they'll be spared in a 2nd wave. But even there....because the results were from people who sought antibody testing, they may not reflect the overall population even in those neighborhoods: "“For sure, the persons who are seeking antibody testing probably have a higher likelihood of being positive than the general population,” said Professor Nash. “If you went out in Corona (the Queens neighborhood) and tested a representative sample, it wouldn’t be 68 percent.” My guess would be more like Chelsea, MA, around 30%. I could be wrong of course. Overall the antibody positive rate was 26%, which agrees with the NYS Wadsworth survey. -Hap]
  16. But he’s supposed to be inaccurate. Hope they got out of town in time
  17. Welcome back Kotter. I mean Joe
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