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Everything posted by SlimShady'sSpaceForce

  1. https://www.newsweek.com/republican-rand-paul-breaks-trump-over-portland-cannot-give-liberty-security-1519204 Republican Rand Paul Breaks With Trump Over Portland: 'Cannot Give Up Liberty for Security'
  2. St. Louis couple charged for pulling, waving guns at protest ST. LOUIS (AP) — St. Louis’ top prosecutor on Monday charged white a husband and wife, Mark and Patricia McCloskey, with felony unlawful use of a weapon for displaying guns during a racial injustice protest outside their mansion. Circuit Attorney Kim Gardner told The Associated Press that their actions risked creating a violent situation during an otherwise nonviolent protest last month. “It is illegal to wave weapons in a threatening manner — that is unlawful in the city of St. Louis,” Gardner said. Or should this be in the Guns or No Guns thread? Or the Anarchist thread?
  3. I only said this shite 5 months ago. BE PATRIOTIC!!! What a buffoon!!
  4. https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/508088-report-john-kasich-to-speak-at-dnc-on-behalf-of-biden Former Ohio Gov. John Kasich (R) is expected to speak on behalf of former Vice President Joe Biden at the Democratic National Convention next month. It’s unclear if Kasich will explicitly endorse the presumptive Democratic nominee when he speaks at the convention. But the expected remarks would amount to a major show of support for Biden by a lifelong Republican who rose to political prominence amid the Tea Party movement a decade ago.
  5. Let me quote Donald. It's up to the states to govern
  6. Please show me where I condone violence by the protesters
  7. Don is a traitor.. I just didn't want to go there Gov. Kate Brown has asked the Trump administration and the head of DHS to take their federal officers off the streets of Portland. "The Trump administration needs to stop playing politics with people's lives," Brown told NPR's Michel Martin. "We don't have a secret police in this country. This is not a dictatorship. And Trump needs to get his officers off the streets." Read above...
  8. When you send in uninvited "Special" forces to the opposing parties regions........... Dunkirk Don says to Connect the Dots I'm the dumbass? Who is backing Trump 100%?
  9. She did some ballet moves. and they fired in her direction when some guy with a shield "tried to protect" her. There is video
  10. Emperor Don re renaming military bases We won world wars out of these military bases. No, I’m not going to go changing them, I’m not going to go changing them.” YET Don wants to close these bases Trump approves plan to withdraw 9,500 U.S. forces from Germany
  11. the left, the liberals, anarchists YAWN
  12. don't be so thick headed. cause and effect look it up UNINVITED federal law enforcement
  13. Also .... these mysterious troops are only being sent to Democratic states / regions because Fearless leader wants to deepen the divide and paint anything Democratic / liberal as Evil LOL But then he's be robing people of their rights.
  14. maybe all future protesters need to dress like this Some of the destruction came AFTER the shock troops were sent in. Did you think of that?
  15. horsecrap HAIL HIT, I mead TRUMP Blind Lock Step support for a guy not even a politician, not to mention an East coast New York elitist! Did you ever think if they didn't send in shock troops this would not be news? Peaceful protests get pushed to the back pages.
  16. Last weeks news ... with 20% capacity limits, NE is raising ticket prices. LOL suckers
  17. Washington hasn’t seen a high below 90 degrees since June 25. 25 straight days, breaking the previous record of streaks of 21 days set in 1980 and 1988, with another 5 straight expected.
  18. Even more so, Veterans https://www.yahoo.com/news/just-started-wailing-veteran-speaks-201033895.html Christopher David, a 53-year-old disabled Navy veteran, was so angry at the sight of federal officers sweeping up protesters in the last few nights on the streets of Portland, Oregon, that he decided to go and talk to them about it. Mr David is seen taking a series of baton blows from a federal agent, without reacting to any of them, before he is finally forced back by pepper spray to the face. “I stood my ground at that point and just stayed there ... I did nothing provocative. They just started whaling on me with batons, and I let them,” Mr David said. “I probably could’ve taken a lot more baton blows if they had not sprayed pepper spray all over my eyes,” he added. HAIL TRUMP!!!!
  19. day 4 and more clouds on the horizon. the comet should appear beneath the Big Dipper on the right hand side and be seen higher over the horizon. It will get higher and higher over the next week at whicj time is will be seen under the left side on the Big Dipper. However in star gazing I did see Jupiter and Saturn in the eastern sky. The 2 can appear to be one planet with a tail, but that was just a light illusion.
  20. This one is more like WTF
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