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Everything posted by SlimShady'sSpaceForce

  1. Why is your picture at 45 degrees? Is that a new posting option?
  2. yup. New Deere's run close to $2 grand. $7 fiddy is half way there
  3. Left Turn, Left Turn, Left Turn, Left Turn, Left Turn, Left Turn, Left Turn ....... You want to sit up high compliments of Final Destination 4
  4. where's @ExiledInIllinois He loves sideways pictures It may be a factor in reducing the size of a picture to get it to load into the threads.
  5. This mornings weather stated 30 of the last 32 days above 90 degrees
  6. I find a air pellet gun works wonders on those little critters. just saying.
  7. Picked the first tomato ? And a squash
  8. I planted everything in a smallish area. The squash leaves keep covering the tomatoes ? Add in 30 plus days in the 90s and practically 0 rain didn’t help. if water every day. Maybe they don’t like the chlorine
  9. I have 2 dozen. None near ripe
  10. I live in DC. I’m living in poverty then.
  11. the zucchini was first then the squash leaves grew and grew overshadowing the nearby plants. I can trim leaves but they seem to grow overnight my mistake was putting them inside the 8 by garden frame. 2 tomato ? plants with about 15 each. They are getting fat and just started to turn green to yellowish before turning red
  12. In the mid to late 70’s Everybody was Kung Fu fighting!!!
  13. Aliens are people too. When there are numerous unknowns you can’t come up with a real conclusion = number of civilizations with which humans could communicate = mean rate of star formation = fraction of stars that have planets = mean number of planets that could support life per star with planets = fraction of life-supporting planets that develop life = fraction of planets with life where life develops intelligence = fraction of intelligent civilizations that develop communication = mean length of time that civilizations can communicate They can’t even settle on the first humans and languages
  14. Whilest self isolating many people are going stir crazy ?
  15. Damn straight. I’m not going anywhere!!!
  16. doesn’t change the facts my friend
  17. seriously? Kids baseball team plays catch and not 1 mask in sight. Don doesn’t care.
  18. You’re fixated on this aren’t you.
  19. What the joke eating crackers in bed?
  20. I have seen/ read a number of people who said they slacked off once from wearing a mask to go out to eat and contracted the Covid. I believe most of them to be true. I say that because som people like to have 15 minutes of fame.
  21. bravo. maybe you should take Dons cognitive test How many of those were created with the internet of Barry calling himself a god? Which on sits on a golden chair?
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