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Everything posted by SlimShady'sSpaceForce

  1. Over half the nation dislikes him per polling - not that it's all the accurate. How many times has he said dumb ***** followed up by - ... Don has told more lies / mis-truths in 3 + years in office than the last 44 presidents combined. And we saw a lot of that WRT Weapons on Mass Destruction
  2. Interesting https://www.startribune.com/police-umbrella-man-was-a-white-supremacist-trying-to-incite-floyd-rioting/571932272/ Minneapolis police say 'Umbrella Man' was a white supremacist trying to incite George Floyd rioting A Minneapolis police arson investigator said the act of vandalism at the AutoZone on E. Lake Street helped spark a chain reaction that led to days of looting and rioting. The store was among dozens of buildings across the city that burned to the ground in the days that followed. Who'd have thunk it?
  3. When you got to go, you got to go better than ? her panties
  4. There is a rookie cap how the $ is distributed and length of contract is negotiable
  5. Dr. Anthony Fauci uses science and factual data Don and his team like to use Alternate Truth oops sorry "Alternative facts"
  6. Listen to his words. hes' whining. Poor Don. And the Hillary defense. LMAO. Try harder my friend. Most people tend to not like narcissistic personalities.
  7. President Donald Trump on Tuesday complained that people like Dr. Anthony Fauci more than him. George Takei @GeorgeTakei Trump finally told the truth! “Nobody likes me.” — Donald Trump 8:01 PM · Jul 28, 2020 Don Cheadle @DonCheadle 9h "...but nobody likes me." Anthony Scaramucci @Scaramucci “Why don't I have a high approval rating?...Nobody likes me.” This is the truest to come from Comrade Chump in 4 months.. . 6:13 PM · Jul 28, 2020
  8. He looked fine walking in.
  9. and now we hate cowherd again. ? That didn’t take long
  10. afraid of banjo music?
    1. teef


      oh hell yeah!  i'm not a real doctor, but i look good in a two piece.

    2. SlimShady'sSpaceForce



      dentists are teef doctors 


  11. Rough it and go camping LOL I guess I didn't expect to see so many dedicated camp sites Bristol Raceway Camping http://www.bristolracewaycamping.net/ https://www.google.com/maps/place/Bristol+Raceway+Camping/@36.5112663,-82.2588464,15.25z/data=!3m1!5s0x885a82daef9843e3:0x844eef41a68dc180!4m12!1m6!3m5!1s0x0:0xfd258abebaa4a647!2sBristol+Motor+Speedway!8m2!3d36.515694!4d-82.2569667!3m4!1s0x0:0x92d0b2883535aec7!8m2!3d36.5003094!4d-82.2639889 Lady's Camping too.
  12. my 2 cents. If you can't control your Professional players. You forfeit games.
  13. this is too good to pass up https://www.thedailybeast.com/stella-immanuel-trumps-new-covid-doctor-believes-in-alien-dna-demon-sperm-and-hydroxychloroquine?source=twitter&via=desktop&fbclid=IwAR12QkzCYY1J2_SUDFv6Vw7xtPh317KugNdg8e6rdOi4OKSBC_6Mv49L6EM Trump’s New Favorite COVID Doctor Believes in Alien DNA, Demon Sperm, and Hydroxychloroquine Now..... that has to be FAKE news
  14. https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/park-police-spokesman-acknowledges-chemical-agents-used-on-lafayette-square-protesters-are-similar-to-tear-gas/2020/06/05/971a8d78-a75a-11ea-b473-04905b1af82b_story.html Park Police spokesman acknowledges chemical agents used on Lafayette Square protesters are similar to tear gas
  15. RESISTANCE IS FUTILE King Don can do no wrong. I live in the DC area. I saw the coverage. Don had to clear the streets to hold a bible. Its surprising Lightning didn't strike the heathen down https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/2020/07/27/national-guard-commander-says-police-suddenly-moved-lafayette-square-protesters-used-excessive-force-clear-path-trump/ A new statement by Adam D. DeMarco, an Iraq veteran who now serves as a major in the D.C. National Guard, also casts doubt on the claims by acting Park Police Chief Gregory Monahan that violence by protesters spurred Park Police to clear the area at that time with unusually aggressive tactics. DeMarco said that “demonstrators were behaving peacefully” and that tear gas was deployed in an “excessive use of force.” DeMarco backs up law enforcement officials who told The Washington Post they believed the clearing operation would happen after the 7 p.m. curfew that night — but it was dramatically accelerated after Attorney General William P. Barr and others appeared in the park around 6 p.m.
  16. I just read 4 more https://www.bing.com/search?q=Miami+Marlins+new+cases&filters=tnTID%3a"7176DC35-C5FA-4a64-9CCF-5A54DB193BC7"+tnVersion%3a"3632251"+Segment%3a"popularnow.carousel"+tnCol%3a"1"+tnOrder%3a"26b6bd77-76e6-4106-b32e-927a9c23f550"&efirst=1&form=HPNN01
  17. LOL No... Tats can be artful too much is not good IMO
  18. Necessary? People were just standing there and then they threw the tear gas canister! Christ all might. Trump could actually kill / murder someone you you Trumpsters would applaud the man
  19. Twitter locks Donald Trump Jr.'s account for spreading COVID misinformation
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