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Everything posted by SlimShady'sSpaceForce

  1. A Vote by MAIL IS still by MAIL. You have to Register to Vote by MAIL. They are not just going to accept any mail in vote w/o some sort of vetting. Jesus man. There has been mail in voting for a long long time. Voter Fraud is VERY low. You can vote early at your local registrar’s office beginning 45 days before Election Day and ending the Saturday before Election Day. Before visiting your local registrar’s office, you may wish to check your registration status or call your registrar’s office. You can find your registrar’s phone number here. To vote early in-person, take do the following: Starting 45 days before Election Day, visit your local registrar’s office or a satellite voting location in your county or city to vote early. Remember, the Saturday before Election Day is the last day to vote early. You do not have to have a reason or fill out an application to vote early. all forms of voting fraud are extremely rare in the United States. https://www.whitehouse.gov/sites/whitehouse.gov/files/docs/pacei-voterfraudcases.pdf 1,071 Proven Instances. That is very little. Stop reading Right Winged QAnon websites What? The bottom line? In an interview with a New York Times reporter on Friday, Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul said, “Everybody’s gone completely crazy on this voter ID thing. I think it’s wrong for Republicans to go too crazy on this issue because it’s offending people.” The statement seemed very much in line with Paul's past statements about how the Republican Party needs to expand its base and interests if it wants to win elections -- he has also been a vocal advocate of expanding voting rights for felons, and has been against mandatory minimums for drug possession that disproportionately affect minorities and low-income Americans. the hypocrisy / double standard is astounding
  2. I forgot to turn the sarcasm font on again. oops. But hey she is funnier than hell impersonating that bozo. Twitter's site, Twitters rules. Just like the ToS here .... they may not be enforced as much down here but they still apply. If you spread Alternative Truths aka outright lies and push fake cures. You deserve to be filtered.
  3. He was 45 when he filmed Cocoon as a retiree, so the implication was that he 20 years older
  4. window feeder? Seems like a recipe for disaster. birds fly into windows as it is, and the feeder would make that worse I would think, as well as peck at the window and poop all over the house. I have shepherds hooks and I've yet to see a squirrel climb one. (I don't have man squirrels in the neighborhood to begin with) I have one for the seed feeder and one for the humming birds
  5. yet the colts gave him away for nothing Iirc
  6. much like Jerry Hughes one could sat that they became noticeable when they changed teams and played in a different system.
  7. I did say clueless didn’t I?? Both are MAILED in.
  8. It’s always “fun” picking a select few blown plays. what is the % of good plays to blown plays?
  9. Bottom or not. They were there when 20 other teams were not.
  10. 2 playoff games in 3 years. 1 with Tyrod and Peterman Jags 1 with Josh onto OT and one big rookie mistake and or crappy play call by Daboll Texans uh. Ok Scott.
  11. I’ve taken malaria medicine when I went to Africa and India. for a specific reason not to mention the other host of preventative meds You stick with the Snake Oil Salesmen. me I will be responsible and respectful of other people’s right to live a healthy life Talk about death panels. hypocrites Oops I meant The Hippocratic Oath is an oath of ethics historically taken by physicians. It is one of the most widely known of Greek medical texts. In its original form, it requires a new physician to swear, by a number of healing gods, to uphold specific ethical standards.
  12. Is Sarah Cooper the Reason Donald Trump Wants to Ban TikTok?
  13. if you are asymptomatic then what ? you would actually risk infections a loved one, putting them in a hospital, possibly for months and risk their death? are you Pro Life ? then why do doctors wear face shields? have you seen what dentists have to do to be safe? do some research
  14. Nice. He should improve even more this season imo
  15. There is no way LJ is better QB than Mahomes or Brady, or or Wilson, or D Watson
  16. Is you two can not tell the difference between a passing QB who runs and and a running QB that passes.. It is not worth discussing. call it a cop out. but you refuse to accept my opinion and leave it at that.
  17. If it is state mandate. YES. They are endangering other peoples lives. If you have aids and spit on someone face and eyes. You can be charged and go to jail. If the person dies its a murder charge. Many people have been arrested for stupid antimasking "crimes" from coughing in their face and licking them. A Florid couple in Key West was just arrested TALLAHASSEE, Fla. (AP) — Jose Freire Interian was walking his dog near his Key West home when a neighbor began recording him on her cellphone. Hours later, police came knocking on his door with an arrest warrant and whisked Freire and his wife to the county jail. The charge: violating quarantine after testing positive for COVID-19. https://www.yahoo.com/lifestyle/florida-pair-arrested-breaking-covid-201643044.html
  18. then you are clueless. It is not on you when you infect someone else. If they die... Will you not give a shite? YOU PEOPLE ARE SUPPORTING A FRAUD!!! Does this make you PRO CHOICE? Don't interfere with my body? I guess you feel the same about abortion and Birth Control pills.
  19. Why is it always Clinton this Obama that We are talking about the JOKER in Chief
  20. @Billl Care to expound? why the sad tags? Are you one of the Lamar lovers? Or a super Mahomes fan and also misread my posts? Let me spell it out for those who have difficult reading Mahomes is 10 times the QB that Lamar RB Jackson is. This list is a crock of ***** with LJ being #1. I wasn't defending anyone, but trying to interject the Authors rationale for how the QB's were ranked. Only a lunatic would put LJ over PM
  21. Breitbart? LOL nothing like an unbiased media. Do you not recall when Obama was elected? The Republicans want to see him fail and would do anything to stop him. Green Energy was in the top 10 of their hit list When did McConnell say he wanted to make Obama a 'one ... www.washingtonpost.com › blogs › post › 2012/09/24 Sep 25, 2012 - “When I first came into office, the head of the Senate Republicans ... Now, after the election, either he will have succeeded in that goal or ... He said, his number-one goal was to make sure that Barack Obama was a one-term president.” ... president to fail” and cooperation was possible “if he's willing to meet ... Republicans Admit Everything They Said About Obama Was a ... nymag.com › intelligencer › 2019/02 › republicans-admit... Feb 11, 2019 - WALLACE: You were there, of what the Republicans did to Barack ... to admit that congressional Republicans did not want to give Obama any legislative successes at all. ... that President Obama needed to get Republicans to make a deal. ... Trump Can't Stop the Election, But He Can Threaten Democracy. Mitch McConnell Brags About Blocking Barack Obama ... www.youtube.com › watch Dec 13, 2019 - Mitch McConnell Brags About Blocking Barack Obama. HuffPost. Loading... Unsubscribe from ... Like: https://www.facebook.com/HuffPost
  22. For an anesthesiologist -- you seem unaware that that drug can cause death. It's a FAKE cure. What do they call them again placebos? Oh wait placebos are supposed to be harmless. So which line are you on Alien DNA or Demon sperm?
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