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Everything posted by SlimShady'sSpaceForce

  1. https://www.tmz.com/2022/10/04/tom-brady-gisele-bundchen-divorce-attorneys-marriage-over/?adid=social-twa
  2. the Refs will make sure that doesn’t happen
  4. Brady CAN do something besides be a QB. His stubbornness has caused him all of this TMZ talk. His EGO is what is keeping him from retiring I AM SORRY that the TB12 lovers can not see what is.
  5. That is not my point Manning retired and HAS a life not on the field.
  6. So everyone else who retired at 35 to 40 have Nothing else to do for a career? 📱 Peyton Manning is on the line
  7. because they have Tua lovers not being unbiased
  8. BS he has ZERO to prove mask with all players in 10 - 15 years half his accomplishments will be erased
  9. yes I do The man has nothing to play for but his ego and padding stats Family first is what he boasts of. May he be under .500 and go out a LOSER
  10. Miami all smoke and mirrors
  11. commitment my ass he is feeding his EGO at the cost of a happy family
  12. he gets his man card back
  13. TMZ belongs on OTW imo If Brady retires because of it. 👍🏻
  14. 😝 Fast forward to 1 minute mark
  15. https://sports.yahoo.com/schragers-fab-five-top-5-142244679.html #4 in PSchrags list If they post the segment I will post the Tweet
  16. NostradamusShady knew this would be entertaining 😆 edit #TeamEdmunds
  17. Selective memory Cherry 🍒 pick some stat that will draw a Buzz
  18. Is he grabbing for a nipple ?? could be why I had to change sensitivity settings to view that 😝
  19. might be. Is. Take the 3 or 4 deep passes away and even the rookies played very well
  20. but but he’s a former MVP. People spy on him leaving people wide open and if not blitzed gets the pass to the open guy
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