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Everything posted by Imissbeastmode

  1. The players gave up. Trading Dareus was a big mistake. Dareus might’ve been buying in, we don’t know. You can see in Saints game, seemed like something was off, like the players never really cared.
  2. Guy never really made it pass the practice squad.
  3. Missing Marcel Dareus big time!
  4. Perfect answer right here. /thread
  5. I agree. The Jets stayed home to practice/rest more while Bills had to travel to NYC on short week with less practice/rest.
  6. Raiders dont have a running game and Carr is majorly hurt.
  7. If they couldnt stop little people, big world Powell and Forte, Ingram and Kamara are going to have a field day.
  8. Feel bad for Kelvin. Leave a playoff team for this.
  9. Saw a billboard in downtown Buffalo with Marcell Dareus saying Miss Me Yet? Jets running all over us.
  10. And those threads have their own discussions about Trade details, matchups, naming their kids Kelvin. But this right here ... Panthers trade Kelvin and pick up his option ... hmmm ... Im guessing he has an injury that might take awhile to heal.
  11. The question that no one is asking is why would the Panthers trade him?
  12. Stop investing money in black players and start investing more money in white players.
  13. You bring up a handful of guys like theyre the only ones that have been drafted in the 6th round. Success rate for 6th rounders are like < 1%
  14. There goes the defense
  15. Yeah sure. Heres a story that the feminists men in here can relate to. Last night I had a fire going in the pit. My stepson who is in his second year of college sat out there with me and was telling me how Cam was wrong about what he said. He was telling me about how we need to respect women more and be more sensitive, etc. etc. My eyes widened with joy when he was telling me this. This is how the convo went: I said: you must be getting a lot of ass from a lot of women at school for standing up for them. He chuckled: no I said: well you must be getting a lot of ass from one particular lady, which is cool He said: no, nothing like that at all I smirkingly say: whatre you a virgin still He said: yeah, I am I said while laughing: damn, you mean to tell me the entire time your fighting for womens rights, just giving women respect who havent even earned it, and the last piece of ass you had was your mother He said with a down look on his face: whatever man I got up and place my hand on his shoulder, he looked up at me, I smiled at him and told him good luck with that. Then I went in the house and banged his mom.
  16. Great looking magazine to me. And theyre joining womens sports and beating the crap out of women athletes. Its great to watch.
  17. Dude be real. You aint getting no ass. You on tinder with a selfie of you in a vagina hat hoping the girls dont swipe left.
  18. You open your wallet. You also record them banging other men.
  19. Looks like I triggered the beta male bills fans.
  20. Feminist men coming in here to stand up for this chick are the reason why vaginas go dry. I bet she would let Cam bang before any of you feminists men could. Yall go to those feminists protest hoping the women will fall in love with you but they dont. Women like a-hole men because a-hole men know how to bang a woman real good. Feminists men cant even attract gay men because they view you as weak too.
  21. Who do you deem as a supreme white? Those that dont agree with your viewpoint?
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