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Everything posted by thunderingsquid

  1. I agree completely. It makes no sense to get worked up in the offseason, there is still so much time until week one and so many things can change. I like the addition by subtraction of the Ryans and it's tough to say the sky is falling when we don't even know what cards we are dealt after the draft and how things shake out in camp.
  2. Yes it is everywhere and no matter how much you would expect an industry to be protected and regulated, any time there is pain there is an opportunity to overprescribe and most docs really don't care less. Seriously. As a member of the recovery community, my brothers and sisters and I know. Watch the documentary prescription thugs.
  3. I wonder when the next news will come and what position we might look at adding. I was so relieved at the Hyde (and Poyer) signings, it made me feel better about our hemorrhaging secondary.
  4. I'd be flying high if Lattimore fell to us. It would make my offseason.
  5. Are you in Corvallis or something?
  6. Sold. Now I want a Hyde 33 jersey.
  7. I like your props for Brandon. I always had a hard time with him when he had so much control in the organization but now it seems it's all the Whaley and McD show.
  8. It will be interesting to see how he does under a no-nonsense coaching regime versus the clown show the last 2 years. New OC and lots of FBs blocking for him at least.
  9. I think we all need a reality check, need to check ourselves. This is especially in the wake of Gilmore Woods etc.
  10. I'm ok with it as long as we hit FA hard and do our homework at the end of April. Trade down for more picks would be my dream. I don't want to waste any time on spilt milk as long as McDermott and Whaley do their jobs.
  11. I agree. Hopefully Jeffrey or DJax in FA and a CB in round 1, S in rd 2.
  12. 3-9? Our record over the first 12 games? Joking, just joking of course!
  13. As a refugee I resemble that remark. Seriously, I try very hard to stick to the facts and post opinions without moralizing or calling others out. Leading by example is pretty difficult when there is a tidal wave of negativity.
  14. Wouldn't mind Ross in Rd 2 though.
  15. I'm leaning CB too. Not that I want one at 10 but that's where I think we will go.
  16. In the wake of Gilmore leaving and us cutting AWIL are we now looking at Humphrey/Lattimore/Adams - whomever falls to us?
  17. I like it. And he seems like the kind of guy that would be open to talking to Steve Christie.
  18. I would love that and applaud them all week if they did that. On the other hand I think they will play it safe and get Humphrey.
  19. Now the stakes are much higher with Woods gone and no #3 WR in Goodwin. I hope Hunter steps up and we get a WR in FA or the draft now. Great to see that xRushx is in! Sup my brother!!??!?!
  20. Desean Jackson
  21. I hope Aaron enjoys a restful, safe retirement and we can all agree that his contributions here were huge and he gave ever play everything he had. So thankful that this is a DB rich draft year.
  22. Alshon Jeffrey. Or Haushka.
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