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Everything posted by thunderingsquid

  1. Not his fault KC held sometimes twice on an individual play. They did all they could.
  2. With Hochuli's help of course
  3. Except when they play KC
  4. Mad props to the bills social media team
  5. Not too happy with this story, title is really misleading. Is Dougherty looking for clicks? https://www.msn.com/en-us/sports/nfl/bills-rumors-deandre-hopkins-makes-final-decision-on-buffalo/ar-AA1d1FqM?ocid=entnewsntp&cvid=3ebec8942d4b41cbb843fb147bcc74da&ei=15
  6. I honestly think Kim's situation affected the organization more than we know.
  7. I'll have whatever kool aid this guy is having
  8. Frazier gives coaching a "15 yard cushion"
  9. Whoa slow down there, you better give that comment a 15 yard cushion...
  10. These guys on here absolutely killing it with the old and sleepy jokes. Fresh and cutting edge!
  11. Good question and I'd welcome either one. My boys could use some relief when they finish school. It's out of control and young adults start their careers at a disadvantage. ...and cue the law and order grievance posts in 3, 2, 1.... Oh and stfu Marge.
  12. Would love to hear a BMan independent thought tonight.
  13. Tom Brady got a really nice PPP loan btw.
  14. Record profits and price gouging are too. Cheers. And keep those sleepy joe jokes coming, they are fresh!
  15. McCarthy's direct words disagree
  16. Reagan had the great idea of taxing Social Security back in the 80s, best idea he had since arms for hostages. Most effective idea repubs had, not much since.
  17. Marge looks like Cruella's trashy cousin.
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