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  1. Not his fault KC held sometimes twice on an individual play. They did all they could.
  2. Except when they play KC
  3. Mad props to the bills social media team
  4. Not too happy with this story, title is really misleading. Is Dougherty looking for clicks? https://www.msn.com/en-us/sports/nfl/bills-rumors-deandre-hopkins-makes-final-decision-on-buffalo/ar-AA1d1FqM?ocid=entnewsntp&cvid=3ebec8942d4b41cbb843fb147bcc74da&ei=15
  5. I honestly think Kim's situation affected the organization more than we know.
  6. I'll have whatever kool aid this guy is having
  7. Frazier gives coaching a "15 yard cushion"
  8. Whoa slow down there, you better give that comment a 15 yard cushion...
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