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Everything posted by Success

  1. I’ll never hate another player as much as Edelman.
  2. Can’t wait until I can watch a playoff game without caring about that kind of thing....
  3. LA is in a great spot to take control of the game here. Time for a big play.
  4. It’s nice to relax and enjoy a game. That won’t happen for me in the next game.
  5. I’ll watch, but completely relate to the mental torment now caused by the Patriots. This needs to end.
  6. My dream is to sweep them in his last season, win the division and then blow them out to knock them out of the playoffs. Just having them fade away quietly won’t help erase the demons.
  7. Pats fans always say they’ve won more than enough for a lifetime and that they’ll have no problem adjusting. Sure thing. Let’s see that fan base after just 1 or 2 losing seasons. They will fall apart.
  8. It’s really possible that this could be the start of another Kelly-like era for the Bills. It’s perfect timing with the Patriots getting close to their finish line. We have certainly earned it. I’m excited about the years ahead.
  9. It’s gotta be Bruce. A true game changer - he could take over a game..
  10. For me, it’s a little bit Belichick, but mostly the fans. The fans have actually made me contemplate whether I’d want the Bills to win as much as they have. Is it worth turning into an arrogant cartoon character with zero self-awareness? I can’t stand that fan base. That’s what it boils down to for me.
  11. People hate them because they win so much.
  12. It was a sham. That Wells report was flimsy. I really don’t think Brady did anything. It’s not really his style, either. Hoodie is the evil one.
  13. He didn’t cheat. He’s actually a great example of how hard work and determination can lead to success.
  14. A deep playoff run will be fine with me. Stats are for losers.
  15. I used to hate Jordan for his dominance and owning the Knicks. Now, I take the kids to the HOF, and say “I saw the flu game!”, and totally celebrate what he accomplished and meant to the NBA. We’ll all feel the same about Brady after time. I can’t stand him and I can’t wait until he retires, but he’s amazing. If you’re a fan of the game, a part of you has to marvel. I never hope for injury and never will. It’s a game.
  16. I didn’t think it possible, but already I’ve seen an even more elevated level of arrogance and condescension from Pats fans, both online and in person. I thought they had hit the apex. Please Chiefs. America needs you.
  17. With Gronk, there is pre-Tre Gronk, and post-Tre Gronk. Pre was a goofy frat boy, who I sometimes enjoyed the antics of despite my loathing of all things Patriot. Post is a dirty thug who I couldn’t possibly root for as a Bill.
  18. So, he was a Sox fan, and would root for the Yankees. That strains credulity. Even if true, he represents a group no larger than 1.
  19. Sure - that’s why you still chant Yankees suck in random games that don’t involve the Yankees. You guys will never get over the Yankees. L’il brother, always.
  20. Does better than that. Love your denial, though.
  21. Brady at 42, no Gronk, Edelman at 33 - liking the trends.
  22. He was bad his first game against the Pats - like every rookie QB who has faced Belichick. Really? That’s your retort? I’m literally cracking up. Lame even for you. You’re in denial if you don’t think Allen exceeded expectations and showed a ton of promise this year. He may even be the best if this great class. Once they give him a line and some talent, he’ll be beating your aging team regularly. Can’t wait.
  23. True - and they love living in your head rent-free.
  24. Awww...u mad because you were so wrong about Allen? He’s the real deal, alright. You’ll be sick of losing to him in no time. Enjoy your last real playoff run, btw...
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