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Everything posted by Success

  1. Saints D wouldn’t be as good
  2. Rams are not ready for prime time
  3. Wasn’t that interference?
  4. I’d be having so much more fun right now if KC had won.
  5. I sound like a fan. I don’t know any fan, in any sport, who isn’t excited when their team wins, or at least a little bummed when they lose.
  6. Yep - because I’m a fan. I don’t know anyone who cares about a team who isn’t affected in some way by the outcome of a game.
  7. It would be so much more fun seeing Mahomes against Goff.
  8. That would be immensely satisfying.
  9. I don’t envy that, a bit. I prefer being a sports fan.
  10. The Patriots have ruined football. I used to really enjoy this day.
  11. I have contemplated this. The answer is likely yes. Which makes me take it a step further - would I want the Bills to win that much? Seems like a no brainer. But I’d hate to be the way a lot of those fans are. It’s cartoonishly obnoxious. 6 inches Offside - if not for that, the offseason is about an aging Brady throwing 3 picks and should he retire...
  12. The dynasty ends. The world rejoices. The sun shines brighter, food tastes better, life improves for all.
  13. He would have retired earlier, but Brady is one tough cookie. We make fun of the Uggs and other metrosexual stuff, but he is as tough as QBs come on the field.
  14. Barnwell is a cotton headed ninny muggins.
  15. It’s a bummer, but our friendly Pats guest is actually right this time - QB is Pennington. I really liked Chad - huge heart - but c’mon. I think Allen and Darnold will be miles better. Things are finally turning - here’s hoping the Pats search for decades after Brady, like we had to.
  16. I don’t agree that they should have won all 4. They absolutely should have won the first, and that likely would have led to a win against the Redskins. It was too much in their head “not to be the Broncos” at that point, and they were way too tight for that game. But those Cowboys teams were just better. Bills should be 2-2, imo.
  17. It will work in the Pats favor somehow.
  18. I was really happy the Pats won that game. It’s funny to think about that now. If they went 0-16 for the next 2 decades, it still wouldn’t be enough.
  19. This really feels like a swan song. I think the division is wide open next year.
  20. He’s not. Even if he did organize some kind of ball deflation, it’s something we wouldn’t care about if someone like Bortles did it. BB is another story. He’s always trying to pull something - just play the game..
  21. I used to care more about beating the Pats with Brady. It’s just not important to me now. I just want that era to close out, see the Bills start winning the division and the Pats slide into irrelevancy. I don’t care if it happens because Brady retires, or stays and his play drops off.
  22. No one is really talking about the missed face mask call at the other end a few minutes before that would have likely sealed the win for the Rams. I’d be really wary of more changes. If a coach can throw a red flag for PI, it could open up some unintended consequences. It’s too subjective.
  23. Gotta say - I love how much the Rams are being disrespected right now. They have exactly the kind of team the Pats struggle against. Strong pass rush with great coverage on D, and the kind of RBs who their slow LBs will have a tough time with if they work the short pass game. And they have one of the league’s best young coaches. Brady hasn’t been touched yet in the playoffs. This pass rush will get to him.
  24. I’m having such a hard time figuring out if they have the perfect team to beat the Pats, or if they’ll be overwhelmed by the moment and blown out.
  25. It’s not something I care about. It’s a great accomplishment, but I much prefer thinking our best days are ahead.
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