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Everything posted by Success

  1. I don’t dislike Hogan, but he is one of the most overhyped players of all time. A very average receiver. If we picked him up, my most enthusiastic reaction would be a barely perceptible shrug.
  2. Most teams have ceilings and floors going into a season. And most fans tend to focus on the ceiling. It’s not unrealistic given the money they have to spend, the draft picks they have, and the fact that it looks like they finally have a franchise QB after 2 decades, to think the Bills might be able to compete for the division. It always cracks me up that you think we should just be wallowing in misery, without hope and doing nothing but praising the mighty Pats. This is a Bills board - most here are excited for the season to begin. Crazy, right?
  3. Pats fans are cartoons at this point. They have actually made me wonder if I would even want to win that much. I know we have our own issues with the table jumping and occasional questionable projectiles, but I’m so glad I’m a Bills fan.
  4. This board is a bit looser in that respect. I’m kind of amazed he hasn’t been banned here. That was a good day in the other board. I come here as an escape and to talk about my favorite team. I don’t mind if a Pats fan comes here and really wants to talk Bills football, but that isn’t his deal.
  5. I loved how we were playing at the end of the season. I think 2019 is going to exceed a lot of current expectations.
  6. The Bills will be one if the most beloved teams in the nation if we can finally step up and end this reign.
  7. Pats fans repeat this a lot in response to the weak division criticism. It’s only partially valid, imo. They are all-time great, no doubt. And they would have won a lot regardless. But their reign DID coincide with a fairly unprecedented run of complete incompetence from their division rivals. And that helped. Even this season- just a slightly tougher division probably means no bye for them, and a much less likely shot at #6.
  8. I think it is a real possibility. There is some hubris there. It would be wonderful to dismantle that team just once with Brady at the helm.
  9. He has made so many head scratching throws this year. He was still great by normal standards, but he’s clearly slipping. Outside of the big throw to Gronk, he was sort of bad last night. I hope he is starting for them in 3 years.
  10. Blowouts are more boring - but it wasn’t a well played SB. I like good defense, but both offenses were inept for much of the game and both blew easy plays.
  11. He won’t this year - but he won’t get to 45, imo. I’m more interested in Scarnecchia. Brady actually IS declining, and without the protection he is used to, will have a tough time getting through the season.
  12. Oh, please - McVay is 33 and Goff is just starting out, and they came within a Gilmore PI of beating the best duo of all time. They’re well rated.
  13. He sounded after the game like a guy who had played for the last time...
  14. How silly for Pats fans under 30. I can’t imagine if all I knew was winning my whole life. Really, my life has been the exact opposite.
  15. I thought that was unusual. This is has gotta end.
  16. It was uninspired, for sure. The offense just seemed to mail it in. A real shame, since their D gave them so many chances. He’s just 33. He may still be great - he just happened to go against the greatest.
  17. People who say it’s Brady not BB don’t know what they’re talking about. That game plan tonight was literally perfect.
  18. How sad - your team wins, and you’re here.
  19. Me too - this was just something to get through. If we can take the reigns if the division, I’m not going to care in a few years whether they had 5 or 6.
  20. I didn’t say that. Don’t be such a closet Pats worshipper.
  21. Nothing egregious - but that was a pretty phantom hold in that big gainer by Gurley, and Gilmore did have Cooks’ arm in the TD.
  22. I almost want them to win every year for decades, until no one watches or cares anymore.
  23. Does anything that any team does matter now?
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