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Everything posted by Success

  1. And they were probably at Woodstock, also.
  2. More of a project perhaps. But some mocks had him at #1 overall. Mahomes was not like that. Sorry - we can rewrite history all day if you want. This board would have freaked if we picked Mahomes at that time.
  3. Henry is so fun to watch. Every time he touches the ball, something big could happen.
  4. Mahomes was not the guy in that draft. He was considered to be more of a risk. Draft history is rife w/ people rewriting who they wanted. It's like saying you were at Woodstock.
  5. And Jackson is 0-2 as a playoff performer. One more bad outing from it being a pattern.
  6. Honestly, VERY few here did, or in Buffalo. People would have freaked out. It was considered a reach.
  7. We do have a top QB - they just need to get him more to work w/. It's embarrassing watching KC - they have a ridiculous # of targets for Mahomes.
  8. You can actually see the dirt flying after he catches the ball - that's gotta be an overturn.
  9. Gotta give him time. I think we’re all afraid he won’t pan out - especially since we could have snagged Metcalf with that pick. Look what happened with Lawson. Took a few years, but now we’re all hoping they find a way to keep him here.
  10. The Chiefs are thinking about getting it one more time - not about being conservative.
  11. Mahomes looks poised to shatter every QB record ever if he stays healthy.
  12. Oh, I agree. I'm still complaining about our not getting that TD call against the Texans.
  13. I guess they decided against the "common sense guideline" with that PI...
  14. Man, the Chiefs D is imploding. Terrible, unnecessary penalties. It would be incredibly frustrating to watch the Bills do this. This reminds me of the drive in the Giants SB.
  15. The team w/ the best chance to beat the Patriots. Oh, wait...
  16. I see a little bit of Belichickian influence in the way things are done now. BB would probably let him get away - just before he shows any decline. Hope they keep him, though. He’s been so important to building this team’s identity.
  17. Wings & beef on weck vs. crab cakes & pit beef. I guess I'm probably biased, but that's a blowout.
  18. They say cheaters never win, and winners never cheat - but those things are wrong. It's like when Newt asks Ripley why parents tell their kids there aren't monsters, when there are. Cheaters DO win. This saddens me.
  19. The only SB I went to was the one where Paul McCartney played. It was awesome - one of my favorite shows just generally. Most since have been pretty forgettable. Maybe the Bills will get Metallica when they get there.
  20. I haven't watched Seattle much - but he was relentless yesterday (and while injured). I was totally impressed by him. All over the field. Just one game, but I'd love to have a guy like that.
  21. It was interesting watching yesterday. One thing I remember about Sammy is that uncanny ability to get WIDE open. On the plays he made, that's exactly what he was. We haven't had many guys like that over the years. Even on Allen's long throws this past season, guys were pretty well covered. I'm not sure what he did to get such a bad rep here. It's not his fault that we overvalued him. It's hard for some fans to step back & judge a player on their merits, rather than where they were picked or what we traded for them.
  22. Here's a fun question: if he did come back here on the current roster, where would he be on the WR corps? I love Brown...but I think he'd still be #1. #2 at minimum.
  23. I'm w/ those who don't see this as a big deal. I also never saw much in the way of attitude issues when he was here - some sporadic stuff, but nothing outside of the usual WR realm. That position is one where you see more ego than most, and I actually worry more about the guys who play that position & don't have that. It was fun to watch Sammy make some big plays as the game went on. He never justified trading 2 first rounders, but he's a real talent & playmaker regardless. I loved it when he was a Bill & still find myself rooting for him (obviously, when he's not playing the Bills).
  24. Romo it the best, imo. There really isn't another announcer like him - I lost count (a long time ago) of the # of times he accurately predicted the next play/formation/outcome, as only a player could. There are a lot of former players who are announcers, but none have displayed his level of insight. On a side note, I sometimes felt like I was the only Booger fan in America. It seems like he got a lot of criticism, but I always found him entertaining.
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