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Everything posted by Success

  1. This is the quiet stuff that goes on that people don't realize. There are probably countless stories like this.
  2. To me, what Kaep did & started is what is so amazing about America. I love it. I happen to agree w/ what they were doing, but I also embrace expressions of opinion that I disagree with, as well. It's what makes us great. Think about the countries we see as oppressive - opinion is more monolithic. Criticism of the gov't & open expression is generally not allowed, and often punished. We shouldn't be afraid of opinions, or how people express them - unless they hurt someone or are of the "fire in a crowded theater" variety. The founders called it the marketplace of ideas. We should welcome opinions that oppose our own. We shouldn't try to shut them down - if we disagree, we should counter them with our own opinions.
  3. The last few weeks have really changed perspectives. Kneeling doesn't look so bad now. But really, it's what has happened - not just w/ kneeling. Instead of having the conversation we SHOULD have had when Kaep started it, the false outrage machine kicked in, and it became about a lot of other stuff - disrespecting the flag, the military, etc. Which was not the intent of the protest. And it wasn't the 1st time someone tried to get these issues addressed. If we ignore them for long enough, things are bound to keep building until they erupt, like they have the past few weeks. A lot of people can say now, "we support the peaceful protests" - but some of them didn't when players started kneeling before.
  4. It shouldn't bother people. I'll probably get the thread shut down, but why don't a lot of the same people who got so outraged about the kneeling not care a bit about a national leader saying that he only liked the guys who weren't captured?
  5. Never understood the fuss. If people want to be outraged about something, they'll find a way to be outraged about something.
  6. Significant progress has almost never been achieved by making the status quo feel comfortable.
  7. Agreed. I don't need to agree or disagree w/ someone all the time. We shouldn't be so afraid of opinions - I get tired of people insincerely toeing some imaginary line, and trying to say the "right" thing instead of what they really feel.
  8. This thread also got me thinking about one of my favorite musical clips of all time - the "Star Spangled Banner" performance from Woodstock. Everything about that is pure magic. I love that most had left the festival at that point, and only a relative few actually saw it. The camera work was amazing. And I've never seen a solo combine elements of art, politics, war and such emotion like that one did. It was the perfect musical statement at the perfect time. Bombs & strafing from Vietnam came through that guitar. I never get tired of watching that one.
  9. Absolutely! He invented his own style, just like Knopfler. His playing is both understated & absolutely amazing. I'm also partial to 2 guys from the Chili Peppers (a band that has its share of top musicians, including Flea, who is among the best ever at bass). Both Hillel Slovak & John Frusciante were/are total innovators & brilliant. Another poster mentioned how subjective this is. It really depends on what you value in a guitar player. I have never cared much for guys who were mostly speed, like Van Halen or Malmsteen, though those players are clearly extremely talented. For me, it's gotta have some heart & soul. May belongs in the upper echelon, imo.
  10. Brian May is on my Mt. Rushmore. But Hendrix does stand alone. It's interesting w/ Hendrix. I never really thought his records captured the man's greatness. When you see the live clips, it's a whole other story.
  11. Man, that was such an innocent era....
  12. Mainly, I just don't want the Pats to have a franchise QB again for decades. I want them to average 1 QB a year for years, like the Bills & Browns did, while their fans continue to hold the high bar set by Brady and are unhappy with everyone. I want to see that fanbase have debates that rival Edwards v. Losman, and Peterman v. Taylor. I hope they lead the league in pick sixes thrown every season, as well as in fewest passing yards and fewest passing TD's. Sorry...what was the question again?
  13. I also tell mine that you are ALWAYS on camera. So act that way. I sound like an old man now, but when I was growing up, you had much more leeway to make mistakes & be stupid.
  14. The internet has been great for a lot of things. Turning millions of people into a "just add water" instant judge, jury and verdict is not one of 'em. We're all perfect until we're not. Everyone says stupid stuff. How we learn & grow from it is what matters much more.
  15. We'll get there. It really hasn't been THAT long since the civil rights movement. There are still people alive today who had to drink from a separate water fountain. We've actually made amazing progress, but are still far from where we need to be. Moments like right now in history are catalysts for big steps forward, imo. This is actually kind of an amazing time to be alive.
  16. Summer is awesome. But I appreciate the uniquely Buffalonian perspective of the OP.
  17. Yep. A really good first step is to acknowledge that this should be a goal we all share, no matter where we stand on the flag, kneeling, anthems, whatever.
  18. We really need to have more tolerance for good people saying stupid things - or at least, things we perceive to be stupid. I believe 100% that Drew Brees is a good person. If we want an honest dialogue in this country, we can't create this tightrope that everyone has to walk verbally. It's okay for good people to disagree on stuff. I disagree w/ Brees. I was 100% behind Kaep & other players who kneeled. Peacefully, I might add. The reaction to his comments is so over the top to me. It's not like he's one of the cops who was on the scene w/ Floyd, or that all of a sudden he's this bad guy. People need to chill.
  19. To me, I see it as more of a tribute to those who served when people make use of freedoms that other countries can only dream about. Think about the countries that we see as oppressive - some would throw people in jail for the perception that they may be "disrespecting" a flag or anthem. That's what makes America what it is - the ability to voice dissent in whatever way we choose, as long as it doesn't hurt anyone. That's what the flag represents as much as anything else, at least to me.
  20. Drew Brees isn't the problem. His statement was pretty tone deaf and I'm sure he regrets it (he did apologize), but people go WAY over the top in the internet age reacting to that stuff. He's not a bad person all of a sudden because of this - everyone loves to sit behind their keyboards now and act as instant judge & jury of people's lives. He apologized, and people should accept that and move on from it. There are much more important issues to discuss right now.
  21. Exactly that. When you think about positive change throughout our history - most of it started with actions or words that made the status quo uncomfortable. People also have to look at intent. It was a strawman making the kneeling about our military, a distraction. That was clearly not the intent of those players.
  22. Kneeling during the anthem sure doesn't look so bad now. Back then, the big fuss was that they couldn't protest more "politely," and not inconvenience our enjoyment of sporting events....couldn't they just find a quieter, less obtrusive way of protesting? Now, people seem to be ready to take any "peaceful" protest they can get. Next time....don't want to think about it if we don't start talking about the underlying issues, instead of making this stuff about "the flag."
  23. Man, you've gotta be kidding me w/ "fuzzy britches." Been using "fussy" all these years. I thought it was some throwback thing that old dudes said, like "sports fans." But they really are fuzzy britches. It all seems so obvious now.
  24. It's top of mind stuff. All of the other transaction & player development threads are fairly meaningless if the season is fully or partially cancelled. Not sure why it wouldn't be on the main board.
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